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Transforming value displayed in column and filtering

Angular 11.  We have a grid with an igx-column using an ng-template to transform a value into a clickable element.  As part of that, the raw value is rounded up to millions.  This becomes a problem when filtering.  For example, the user sees 10 in the column and wants to filter for all values greater than 10.  The underlying value is actually 10,000,000.  So if the user enters >10 into the filter, it literally gets all values greater than 10.  I want to transform the value entered into the filter before applying the filter so it gets all records with >10,000,000.  Any ideas on approach here?

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    Hello Joel,

    In order to ensure that the described scenario is addressed correctly, I will need some additional information regarding your scenario. Could you please answer the following questions:

    • What kind of filtering are you using? Is the filtering a Quick Filter, Excel Style Filter or Advanced Filtering?
    • What template are you using for the column?
    • How do you convert the values and round them to a million?
    • Could you provide more information, screenshots, code snippets or a sample with steps to reproduce.

    This information is going to be highly appreciated and will help me in my further investigation.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Georgi Anastasov

    Entry Level Software Developer


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