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TreeGrid doesn't update cell

Hello! I'm trying to update a cell, but it won't update until I click it again. I've tried multiple things, but none of them work. I'm using this code (currently):

  public changeState(newState: string, cell: IgxGridCell){
    this.treeGrid.pipeTrigger += 1;

If I get the value of the cell after this update I see the updated value, but it isn't reflecting in the actual grid.

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    Hello Jonas,

    Thank you for posting to Infragistics Community!

    I have been looking at your question and I have prepared a small sample trying to reproduce the described behavior. I am using IgxGrid and the IgxGridCell’s update method from the provided code snippet.

    However, on my side, everything works as expected and when clicking on any of the cells in the “Name” column, the value is being updated to upper case immediately.

    Furthermore, if by updating a cell you are referring to editing it through the UI, then in the attached sample this is also achieved, and when editing a cell either through the action-strip or by double clicking on it, the value is updated successfully.

    Additionally, in order to assist you further, it would be extremely helpful if you could provide me with a sample that demonstrates the behavior on your side. Also, if it is possible, it would be great if you could try to modify the provided by me sample, so it reproduces the issue.

    Having a sample, which I can debug on my side, will be highly appreciated and extremely helpful for providing you with a solution as soon as possible.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. 

    Riva Ivanova
    Entry Level Software Developer

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