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Export to Excel using IgxExcelExporterService with custom datetime format


I'm using IgxExcelExporterService to export my columns and data to Excel. However, I'm facing issue whereby all my columns that contains the Datetime data type wasn't properly displayed in Excel unless I modified the column manually from Excel with custom formats. (Eg: d/m/yyyy h: mm).

I want all these columns to be able properly displayed and sort according to a datetime data type, on Export.

What I've tried

Modifed `igx-column` to have `dateTime` data type, adding `[pipeArgs]` to have predefined date format option. But those changes still wasn't reflect on exported Excel.  

My Research / Question

I've dug into the docs, another possible solution I could find is by manipulating rows and cells using Excel Library. However, since that I'm using `igx-columns` to create the data, is this the right thing to refer to? Perhaps there is a way to do this?



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    Hello Afif,

    After investigating this further, I determined that your requirement could be achieved by subscribing to the rowExporting event of the excelExporter service and formatting the date column as follows:

        this.excelExportService.rowExporting.subscribe((args) => {

          args.rowData.LaunchDate = this.datePipe.transform(





    Another suggestion would be to use the formatter option of igx-column instead of pipeArgs. By setting a formatter to the column, the exported date column is automatically formatted in the excel file:

     <igx-column field="LaunchDate" header="Launch Date" [sortable]="true"  [dataType]="'date'" [formatter]="dateFormat"></igx-column>

    I have prepared a sample, demonstrating the described behavior. Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,

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