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Tree Grid - Assign row items from one row group to another row group


I have a scenario where you can assign a row from one group to another with a simple button click anywhere in the grid. (I'm trying to assign it from menu list which has all the row group name ex: cars, Fruits, etc.., Select a row from the cars group and assign it to the Fruits group so that the row gets moved from the cars group to Fruits group with button click irrespective of the viewport)

The target row may or may not be in the viewport.

How can I achieve this?



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  • 640
    Offline posted

    Hello Mani,

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    What I can suggest for achieving your requirement is to use the selectedRows and the gridAPI.get_rec_by_id methods of igxTreeGrid for getting the references of the selected rows with which you can change their parent rows. I crated a sample illustrating my approach, which you can find here. Please test it on your side and let me know whether you find it helpful.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


    Viktor Kombov

    Entry Level Software Developer


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