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How to set the tooltip for the items in igx-combo?

We are using igx-combo as a cell editor in the grid.

Some of our customer's entries can be quite long, so our standard practice is to assign the item's description to the tooltip so the user can see the full value without having to resize the column (we use ellipsis overflow to show them there is more text then they are seeing).

How can we accomplish this using the igx-combo?

Here is our celleditor definition:

            <ng-template igxCellEditor let-cell="cell"
                <igx-combo [(ngModel)]="cell.editValue" [data]="lookupLists[col.columnName]" displayKey="Description" valueKey="LookupListID" [width]="'100%'" [igxFocus]="true" [displayDensity]="'compact'">

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    Verified Answer
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    Hello Lance,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    What I can suggest, for achieving your requirement, is to use Combo templates. They give you the opportunity to define custom templates for different areas such as header, footer, items, empty list and adding button. More information is available in out documentation here.
    I crated a small sample illustrating my approach, which you can find here. Please test it on your side and let me know whether you find it helpful.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


    Viktor Kombov

    Entry Level Software Developer

    Infragistics, Inc.

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