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Custom filterCellTemplate with select

Hey guys,

thank you for your great work!

Currently, I couldn't manage to build a column filter with a dropdown as a selection. In my case, it's needed, because the user is only allowed to select some specific keywords. Is there any sample? I just found a custom date filter here: 

Here is the current approach (not working) with A and B as input samples:

<ng-template #enumFilterTemplate igxFilterCellTemplate let-column="column">
<div class="filter-cell">
<igx-input-group #inputGr [displayDensity]="'compact'" class="filter-input" type="box">
(input)="onFilterInput(enumFilter, column, 'equals')"
[value]="getFilterValue(column, 'equals')"
<igx-suffix ()="clearFilterInput(column)" *ngIf="enumFilter.value" tabindex="0">

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