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is it possible to use the igx-combo with the igx-input-group

I have an add/edit modal and i love the styling that I get with igx-input-group and wanted to use a igx-combo with the igx-input-group.  I haven't been able to figure out how to set that up.

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    Hello Zachary,

    After investigating this further, I determined that igx-combo could not be placed within igx-input-group. However, the combo could be styled the same way as the igx-input. The same “type” property and the same theme could be applied to both controls. The IgxComboComponent uses the IgxDropDownComponent internally as an item container. It also includes the IgxInputGroup and the IgxCheckbox components.

    ::ng-deep {

        @include igx-dialog($my-dialog-theme);

        .signInForm {

          @include igx-input-group($custom-input-group);



    More information regarding styling igx-combo could be found in the following topic.

    I have prepared a sample, demonstrating the described behavior. Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,

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