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Row selection is not Coming in igxGrid Angular 6


I am trying to bring the Selection column in  igxGrid. I have tried both [rowSelection]="'single'" and [rowSelection]="'multiple'" inside igx-grid tag. But selection column with checkbox is not coming in my page.

My Application has  Anguar 6 and ignite-ui 18.2.50 and igniteui-angular 6.2.9.  Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.



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    Verified Answer
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    Hello Hari,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Community!

    After further investigation, I found that the rowSelection property does not exist in Ignite UI for Angular 6.x.x. This feature has been introduce in IgniteUI for Angular 8.2.0 as stated in our changelog. In IgniteUI for Angular 6 in order to activate the row selection you have to set the rowSelectable property to true.

    Please note that according to our support policy support is applicable to two versions back - latest stable, and the previous major version. Having this in mind version 6.x.x can be considered retired. In order to take advantage of all new features and functionalities would I suggest updating to Ignite UI for Angular 10.1.7, which currently is the latest available. For more information, you can refer to our official Update guide.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best Regards,
    Martin Evtimov
    Entry Level Software Developer
    Infragistics, Inc.

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