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Igx - Grid - Filter dialogue Responsive issue


We are using Igx Grid with Angular, and we are facing issues like on the grid we have enabled the filter config, the filter dialog open and able to see the Apply , Cancel button on the screen resolution for (1920 x 1080)

but in this resolution the buttons are hide (1366 X 768), we need to scroll down, on scroll the filter dialogue gone, so again we need to click the filter option to see the buttons.

The gird height and width are behave with responsive, but the filter dialog doesn't support the responsive, based on the resolution the filter dialogue's height and width are not changing.

Kindly check attached screen shot.

How can we fix this issue, Kindly suggest.

Thank you

Praub Kuppusamy

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    Hi Praub,

    Please scroll using the mouse wheel while hovering the dialog, this way the filer dialog will not close. Let us know if you have any other questions.


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