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Error to show child data! Igx-HierarchicalGrid

I am starting to use the grid but I have some problems.
When I fill the grid with data and their children, the hierarchy column (or whatever it is called) shows in all rows the icon but there are not child data in all rows! So when I expand the grid it tells me "Grid has no data." Of course.

In Ignite js grid only shows "+" icon if you have child data! Is there any way to correct this error with templates?
In addition, the documentation so far is a bit painful for Ignite Angular product. Where is the Ignite js style documentation? How do I use the templates? Are there any examples?



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    Hi Paul,

    You can find the answer to your question in this topic.
    According to our support policy, we handle single thread per issue, so I’d continue assisting you via the topic above.

    Best wishes,

    Petko Bozhinov,
    Infragistics, Inc.

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