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  • Is it possible to freeze a particular tab on a fixed location?

    Hello All,

    My requirement is to fix the first tab always at starting of the tabs, If we try to move the tabs then it moves to the first tab also. We have to fix the first tab always on left, rest of the tabs we can shuffle. So is it possible to perform…

  • Re: Is it possible to freeze a particular tab on a fixed location?

    Hello All,

    I have scenario where I can add the tabs as below, and when I drag drop the 2nd tab it moves to the 1st tab, but I want the first tab to be fixed and rest of the tabs should be docable. So wanted to know the feasibility?

  • XamTabControl help...

    We’re utilizing the xamDockManager and within that we’re utilizing the DocumentContentHost and finally the TabGroupPane to host ContentPane.  What we’ve found is when we add multiple ContentPanes to the TabGroupPane that 1) that ContentPanes…