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  • Can't find content of TabItemEx in Inspect.exe

    We're trying to write Automated UI tests for an application which uses TabItemEx to display its functionality, however we're not able to traverse the UI Element Tree (with Inspect.exe) into the content of a TabItemEx. The content is not visible with tools…

  • Disable switching tabs on XamTabControl

    I am needing to disable switching tabs when a specific ViewModel type is opened inside a tab.

    I am sharing a dataconext between one ViewModel and the elements contained inside PrintSections on another viewmodel. This is causing the Print Tab to refresh…

  • XamTabControl Scrollbar Style Issue


    We are using an overridden style of the Metro theme for the XamTabControl and have set the Header area's background color to transparent. We are now having an issue with the scrollbar in the tab header being too light to see. Is there a simple…

  • xamTabControl: Extended Theme Background Changing


    I am having an issue while trying to extend the Metro and MetroDark themes for the XamTabControl. Specifically, I have an image brush as the background of the control when Items.Count is 0 and it works as intended before any tabs are added to…

  • Put XamTreeGrid in XamTabControl


    I'd like to put a XamTreeGrid in XamTabContol. 

    I wrote this code, and the Name and subNode's rows are shown with branch lines.

    However, I cannot see the subNode's strings.

    How can I fix it? 


  • XamTabControl - Last modified value not reflecting on tab change


    I'm using XamTabControl which has multiple tabs. On changing from one tab to other tab, the latest changed value is not updating. I think the value in grid cell is still in edit mode and so its not reflecting. Can anyone help how to change this…

  • XamDockManager tab headers like XamTabControl


      I was wondering if I can get an example of a ContentPane in a xamDockManager with a tab header like tabitem in xamtabcontrol? 


  • How can open xalm as tabs

    I have just learn WPF  and used Infragiscs for short time

    When I open a xaml form, I want to display  and control it as a tab in my project. How can I do it ?

    I used VB.NET and SQL server 2008

    Thank you very much

  • Switching tab views from MVVM viewmodel

    I have a XamTabControl with two tabs.

    The first tab has a XamDataGrid with a collection of objects.  
    The 2nd tab has a UserControl.  
    When I select the row I want to view I set the datacontext of the usercontrol to a viewmodel then set SelectedIndex on the…

  • Dependency between 2 separate tabcontrols

    I have 2 separate tabcontrols, currently with 4 tabs in each control. I would like to be able to change the selected tab in the second tabcontrol based on the selected tab in the first. The current use case is that if the second item in the first tab…

  • how to freeze first tabitem , don't want scroll first item

    how to freeze first tabitem , don't want scroll first item while click previous , next 

  • xamTabControl - tabs in two locations


    On the xamTabControl, is it possible to have the tab list show up on the left and the right hand side of the control?  We have wide screen monitors and the users are asking if it is possible to have the tabs on both sides of the window.  We are currently…

  • Tab switch in child UserControl causing the application to hang

    I have a UserControl of type XamTabControl with multiple tabs and event SelectionChanged="mainTab_SelectionChanged"

    Inside one of the above tabs, I have a UserControl (B) that in turn has a XamTabControl. No events associated with this tab…

  • xamTabControl tabitem properties bound to datacontext

    Please take a look at attached sample where I am trying to create tabitems dynamically and binding it to a view & viewmodel. I am also trying to set header of tab from the view but it does not update when I update in the text box of the view/viewmodel…

  • Foreground-Color of XamTabItemEx Header

    I want to achieve to set the Foreground Color of a TabItemEx-Header to red, if something is invalid in my form. I set it with a trigger (TargetType="igWindows:TabItemEx")

    <Setter Property="TextElement.Foreground" Value="Red" />…

  • Is it possible ot hide the tab header area?


    is it possible to to hide the tab header area on the XamTabControl, so that I can use it as simple container element?

    I am asking that questions, since some controls (e.g. XamTreeGrid, Lable, ...) need a infragistic xaml container, in order all…

  • Using mousewheel to scroll through xamTabControl tabs

    Hi!  I have an application with dynamic vertical tabs in a xamTabControl.  Each tab has its own tabs and content inside it.  Is there a way I can make the mousewheel scroll through the vertical tabs within the xamTabControl?  My end users had an application…

  • Issue with setting tabindex in XamTabControl


    I have a page with a grid, a XamTabControl and a stack panel at the end.

    In the grid I have few controls like textbox, combobox etc, then in the the tab control I have XamDataGrid and then in the stack panel again I have few buttons.

    I set the…

  • XamTabControl ContentTemplate messes up XamDataGrid with multiple tabs

    I have some code like this:

    <igControls:XamTabControl ItemsSource="{Binding PricingTables, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}"

    SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex}"

  • Overide background for tabitemex header with theme


    I am trying to override the background color of a tabitemheader for a tabcontrol which uses a theme. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work.

    I followed the example in…

  • xamTabControl change ItemPresenter item type with DataTemplate


    In my application I'm using wrapped xamTabControl and TabItemEx ( inherited + some extra properties) with my own styles

    The problem occurs when I'm using ItemTemplate with DataTemplate.  ItemTemplate apply first default style and then…

  • xamTabControl and MahApps Metro Style

    Hi all,

    we use MahApps to style our application windows, that works fine.

    Now we found an issue with the xamTabControl. MahApps seems to have troubles with the MahApps Style.
    The Close Button (x) on the Tab for example seems to be invisible (white on…

  • Add a colored Line on top of the Tab

    Good evening
    I need to mark some tabs with a color line on the upper end of the tab.

    It should look like the tabs in this example :

    Thanks for your help !

    BTW: I'm new…

  • TabControl "new Tab" button


    How to make button next to last Tab for creating new Tab? I want similar mechanism like browsers have.

    Would be nice also to have tabMenu and scrolls

    Thank You for assistance

  • Are closed tabs removed from the xamtabcontrol.items collection?

    I'm seeing something odd: Adding a TabItemEx object to a XamTabControl and populating the TabItemEx with whatever else works and it's displayed. The tab is appended to the XamTabControl.Items collection. This is what I'd expect.
