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  • TabItemEx Command

    How can the close to a command on the TabItemEx  be bound to a command on the view model?    

  • Bind to SelectedIndex property of TabControl

    I am trying to bind the SelectedIndex property of the XamTabControl to an property of type int on my viewModel.

    <igWindows:XamTabControl Name="xamTabControl1" SelectedIndex="{Binding Path=SelectedTabIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" >

  • XAMTab control

    Is it possible to edit the tab header in place

  • Re: Is it possible to freeze a particular tab on a fixed location?

    Hello All,

    I have scenario where I can add the tabs as below, and when I drag drop the 2nd tab it moves to the 1st tab, but I want the first tab to be fixed and rest of the tabs should be docable. So wanted to know the feasibility?