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  • Is it possible to change background color in XamPropertyGrid?

    Is it possible to change background color in XamPropertyGrid?
    We confirmed that if you simply set Background = white, the background color of XamPropertyGrid itself does not change.

    My theme is 2013 Office.
    I want to change the background. If there is…

  • XamPropertyGrid show hierarchy when filtering

    Currently the XamPropertyGrid has a useful feature which allows you to filter. This works well.

    In cases however where a field name appears multiple times in different parts of the hierarchy, the UI does not highlight said hierarchy. This means if you…

  • Focus field values problem with keyboard Tab keypress



    We are currently struggling with tabbing in the XamPropertyGrid:

    1. As soon as we use the TargetType or the TemplateSelector at the PropertyGridEditorDefinition it does not select the text when tabbing into the next editor field.
    2. If we use the TargetType…
  • Resizing an expanded row

    Dear support team,

    I am struggeling with resizing an expanded row. The attached sample shows two rows having an ExpandableCellStyle. One of the rows select a data template with a property grid. When I run the sample and expand the row with the property…

  • XAMPROPERTYGRID - Add a way to set focus to the property editor after it is selected

    Currently, XamPropertyGrid functions similar to the property grid in Visual Studio.  In that when a property is selected its editor doesn't get focus automatically when the selection is complete.

    To make the UI a little easier on our customers I've…

  • ReadOnly option for PropertyGrid


    We face problem making xamPropertyGrid as readonly since we have to cover all possible combinations to make it fit to our needs. The motivation for that is expand/collapse option is disabled after setting as IsEnabled to false. Keeping IsEnabled and…

  • Readonly XamPropertyGrid with expandable list


    We have a XamPropertyGrid which we want to set to ReadOnly, based on some application-wide setting that is not related to the data that is shown in the PropertyGrid. So the data itself could still be changed, but we want to disable any controls in…

  • XamPropertyGrid: Hide properties at runtime


    I would like to hide/show properties in the xamPropertyGrid in code. I would like to show/hide properties by an visibility layer.


    • An Expert can see all properties
    • An Normal user can see less properites
    • And a Dummy user can see just the basic…
  • XamPropertyGrid: ReadOnly-Opacity of a Property


    I have a XamPropertyGrid-Control with an ReadOnlyTemplate. The Opacity of the ReadOnly-Property seems to be smaller than 1. How can I set it to 1? 

    TargetType="{x:Type sys:Double}"

  • XamPropertyGrid: ReadOnly-Opacity of a Property


    I have a XamPropertyGrid-Control with an ReadOnlyTemplate. The Opacity of the ReadOnly-Property seems to be smaller than 1. How can I set it to 1? 

    TargetType="{x:Type sys:Double}"

  • xamPropertyGrid - expand down to the property


    Is it possible to keep tracking last selected property ? i.e user expanded couple of levels down to some property X
    after changing selected object I would like to automatically expand the properties down to the same property X if it is the same object…

  • XamPropertyGrid changing property display name after expand


    we are using XamPropertyGrid with custom property generator.
    almost everything is fine but when some property is expanded, the displayname is changing to the propertyname in some cases:

     - if a PropertyGridPropertyItem has one child also expandable…

  • Support resource files for multilingual localization of XamPropertyGrid

    Could you make the resource file available for multilingual localization of XamPropertyGrid?

    Our application needs to support 11 languages.
    There are about 50 types of property classes we would like to set in XamPropertyGrid.
    If we need classes for each…

  • Binding NameValue pair correctly in XamPropertyGrid

    Hi Team,

    We have extensively used XamPropertyGrid for one of our application. During that we came across an issue while binding NameValue pair to XamPropertyGrid. Below is the scenario:

    1. SelectedObject has NameValue property.

    2. In NameValue property…

  • xamPropertyGrid add dropdown list


    sorry if this is a stupid question, but I found nothing how to achieve this:

    In a xamPropertyGrid, I want to have a (dynamically filled) dropdown list, where the user can select f.ex. a person's country.

    The list should display the countries full…

  • PropertyGridEditorDefinition: TargetType

    Is it possible, to define multiple TargetTypes (e.g. comma seperated) in one EditorDefinition?

     <ctrls:AtlaxyPropertryGrid x:Name="xamPropertyGridInParam" Margin="10,0" Visibility="Visible"
                                  SelectedObject="{Binding Path…

  • Hide fully qualified type name when expanding


    I'm using the XamlPropertyGrid in order to show and edit an object's properties. Everything is great, except I would like to perform an additional customization for which I was not able to find a work around.

    Basically I would like to hide…

  • Issue with changing the style of XamPropertyGrid


    I am having an issue with changing the style of the XamPropertyGrid.

    I am using Infragistics 18.1.20181.324.

    I took an example from the thread…

  • Support Dictionary in XamPropertyGrid

     Let's say Bind an object that contains Dictionary to SelectedObject like below:

        pubic class MyBigClass {

            public Dictionary<MyEnum, MyClass> Settings { get; set; }


        <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">…

  • Override CTRL+S (Toggle Category/Property sort) in XamPropertyGrid

    I have a XamPropertyGrid in an application.
    When the XamPropertyGrid has focus, it handles the CTRL+S keyboard shortcut to toggle between the Category sort and the Property Sort.

    Looking at this reference:…

  • XamTabControl - Last modified value not reflecting on tab change


    I'm using XamTabControl which has multiple tabs. On changing from one tab to other tab, the latest changed value is not updating. I think the value in grid cell is still in edit mode and so its not reflecting. Can anyone help how to change this…

  • Localization Mouse hove


    would somebody please help me how can I change the mouse hove language to Arabic ?

    i want to localization the red part

    thanks in advance for you helping

  • Error when trying to theme XamPropertyGrid


    after referencing RoyalDark.xamPropertyGrid.xaml as a merged dictionary in my window, the following error message is shown in the XAML designer:


    An Exception was thrown

    XamlParseException: Type reference cannot…

  • XamPropertyGrid and Collection...

    Hi, I'm developing a system that uses the new XamPropertyGrid  to visualize (and I'm thinking also to edit if possible) the details of some classes

    some of the classes have the following format






  • Complex property editor in xamPropertyGrid

    We are in an MVVM design pattern using the xamPropertyGrid.
    One of our property is a Polynomial that needs to be edited using a specialized editor that is implemented using a separate dialog (see attachment).
    Is there a way to define a command that would…