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Status: New
XAMPROPERTYGRID - Add a way to set focus to the property editor after it is selected

Currently, XamPropertyGrid functions similar to the property grid in Visual Studio.  In that when a property is selected its editor doesn't get focus automatically when the selection is complete.

To make the UI a little easier on our customers I've added a handler for the Property Selected event in XamPropertyGrid.  It uses reflection to dig down into the PropertyGridPropertyItem that ios being selected and extract the editor and then walks the editor's visual tree down until the first element (or child element) that will accept focus.  In this way when a user clicks a property or hits tab to go to the next property the appropriate editor is automatically highlighted for the user.

Having a facility to perform this action without using reflection would be great.  Even if all that was down was to make the getter for the Editor on the PropertyGridPropertyItem public that would make this less complicated and less fragile for apps like mine.

See case CAS-214008-S5F0C8 for more information, including the reflection code.