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  • Enabling Multiselect on a grid model

    Hi there,

    I am working on an application where multiselect is a must. Conveniently, the selection behavior can be found on the igniteUI page here: in the second example (multiple row selection). Unfrotunately, when…

  • Unable to select one row with igGridSelection and MultipleSelection = false

    I am trying to select one row from a igGrid where MultipleSelection = false. iqGridSelection("selectRows") returns a row length of 0. It returns the correct row length when MultipleSelection = true. I need to know how to return the row data (row index…

  • igGrid add new row Internet Explorer script error


    I'm using

    Internet Explorer   10  ( 10.0.9200.17228 )
    IgniteUI              2014.2.2140 
    Jquery                jquery-2.1.3.min  - jquery-migrate-1.2.1  - jquery-ui-1.11.2
    modernizr            Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD 

    I get an exception in only…

  • Allow only one checkbox to be checked in igGrid


    I am using IgniteUi & MVC.

    I have an igGrid which has  checkbox column. I want to allow the user to check only one checkbox in all the rows at any given time.

    If the user checks one checkbox, the already checked checkbox should be unchecked…

  • post selected row or row id to server on button click

    I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?

    I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);

    Is there a way to…

  • Pass selected row to server on button click

    I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?

    I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);

    Is there a way to…

  • ASP.NET MVC jQuery - Press enter to open selected item

    I can navigate through the GridView with my keyboard but now I want to use the 'enter' key to load the selected row in a new page instead of editing the row inline.

    Is this possible with Infragistics? Or must this be manually programmed?

  • Possible issue with igGrid column selection

    When using the grid, if a user sorts by a column, the column also becomes selected. This is ok. However, if the user then selects a row, the column remains selected.

    Is this intended?

    I'm using the example project code. Some settings are as follows:…

  • Edit Selected Row Example

    I'm a winforms developer, but now find myself having to write for the web. I've done a few simple sites in the past, but this one is way more complex. Since I'm a noob anyway, I went with MVC3 and Razor. But if I can't figure out how to do this soon,…

  • Getting Cell value, only of one cell

    Hi every body.

    I need some help in this point, i can't take de value of a cell selected in my grid, i have this code:

     $("#editarPais").live('igbuttonclick', function (e, args) {
                 var cell = $('#gridPaises').igGridSelection('selectCell…