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  • Mark/Highlight/select row AND col on cell click


    I'm using in a project the igGrid with a size of 350 rows and 350 columns at the moment.

    Due to the size I want to give as an orientation indication for the user a row and column highlight (selection).

    The idea is to click (select) a cell and afterwards…

  • Select a row when unchecking it

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently working on a project using igGrid and the two features "Selection" on rows and "RowSelectors" with checkboxes.

    My issue is quite simple : Is there a way to select a row when unchecking it ?

    My context…

  • Allow multiple selection at runtime in igGrid


    We have a grid configured on server side using Asp.Net MVC Helpers, and uses filtering and paging. Datasource is set to the initial data and datasourceUrl is set to get the paging data.

    Initial mode is single selection enabled in row mode. Row selectors…

  • IgGrid: Responsive Mode's Vertical Alignment doesn't work well with RowSelectors

    Hello Infragistics team and community

    I'm having trouble with my IgGrid. I'm currently using a grid to show a list of contact persons. This grid has, among others, the Selection and rowSelection feature enabled. Users can select contact persons from the…

  • Ig grid multiple selection with grouping

    We have an ig grid with grouping and multiple selection enabled. There seems to be an issue when we try to use select all check box when a column is selected for grouping. We get a message saying 'You have selected {checked} rows. Select all {row} rows…

  • Check/Uncheck Select All header checkbox using jquery


    i wanted to check or uncheck  SelectAll header checkbox on specific condition. so how can i check do that programmatically.

    I found some workaround to do it programmatically.


  • selectionChanged is not raised when performing an event that causes a deselection of the selected rows


    When selecting a row in the iggrid the 'selectionchanged' event is raised.
    We use this event to populate an array of selected rows in a knockout extension.

    When paging or using a filter, the selected rows are cleared but no 'selectionChanged…

  • Bugs using virtualization and RowSelector.

    I have this igGrid configuration:

                rowVirtualization: true,
                columns: [
                    { headerText: "Product ID", key: "ID", dataType: "number" },
                    { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductNumber", dataType: "string" },

  • Enabling Multiselect on a grid model

    Hi there,

    I am working on an application where multiselect is a must. Conveniently, the selection behavior can be found on the igniteUI page here: in the second example (multiple row selection). Unfrotunately, when…

  • Unable to select one row with igGridSelection and MultipleSelection = false

    I am trying to select one row from a igGrid where MultipleSelection = false. iqGridSelection("selectRows") returns a row length of 0. It returns the correct row length when MultipleSelection = true. I need to know how to return the row data (row index…

  • Can't select text on a cell


    I have the following grid on my webpage

    var columnDefinitions = [
    { headerText: "Work Order Number", width: "140px", key: "WorkOrderNumber" },
    { headerText: "Work Order Description", width: "250px", key: "WorkOrderDescription…

  • RowSelection with Combo Box

    I have a grid configured with combo boxes. When the combo editor is selected and it opens for editing it deselects all the other rows in the grid.

    In my application there are hundred of rows and it has to page them 25 rows to a page. The users are supposed…

  • selectedRow returns null

    Hi! I've been researching a lot to find my problem but didn't find the solution. I hope you can help me.

    This is my js code:

    $(document).ready(function () {

     autoGenerateColumns: false,
     dataSource: dataTable, //i…

  • Paging buttons work with mousedown and selection with mouseup

    I've a grid that uses both Selection and Paging features.

    The problem is that paging buttons work with mousedown and selection with mouseup. This is an issue because when the last page has fewer elements than the other pages, the user clicks 'Previous…

  • igGrid add new row Internet Explorer script error


    I'm using

    Internet Explorer   10  ( 10.0.9200.17228 )
    IgniteUI              2014.2.2140 
    Jquery                jquery-2.1.3.min  - jquery-migrate-1.2.1  - jquery-ui-1.11.2
    modernizr            Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD 

    I get an exception in only…

  • Spacebar filter bug


    In this JSFiddle ( you can see that when you click on the 'Delete Row' button and filter values using spacebar, the first row in the grid is automatically selected. This behavior can be more precisely pinpointed…

  • Text Select With RowSelection


    Is there a way to have Row Selection turned on and still be able to Highlight/Cut/Copy/Paste text within the grid?

    I have a grid set up with the following features.

    features: [

  • Allow only one checkbox to be checked in igGrid


    I am using IgniteUi & MVC.

    I have an igGrid which has  checkbox column. I want to allow the user to check only one checkbox in all the rows at any given time.

    If the user checks one checkbox, the already checked checkbox should be unchecked…

  • post selected row or row id to server on button click

    I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?

    I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);

    Is there a way to…

  • Pass selected row to server on button click

    I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?

    I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);

    Is there a way to…

  • igGrid LoadOnDemand and Selection Persistence

    Hi Martin,

    I am using SelectionPersistence.js you provided to me.

    I am enabling filtering with selection persistence.

    Here is the grid code and associated events.

    <script> $.ig.DataSource.prototype.settings.paging.pageIndexUrlKey = "page"</script…

  • Not Persisting Selection While Filtering


    1. I have many records in grid, so the scrollbar will be there. Don't want to use paging due to specific requirements, so please don't suggest.
    2. User will apply different filteration on each column to select specific rows and press…
  • RowSelector: Bind checkbox state with row property


    Is it possible to bind a property of the current row with the state of the checkbox (checked/unchecked)? I want to define initial values.

    Thanks in advance,

    Olivier Hélin

  • Setting RowSelector checkboxes on initialization.

    I would like to send from the server what checkboxes should appear checked when initializing the grid?

    I've seen the there are Selection methods to set the selected rows, but I've not found any method for the RowSelector checkboxes.

    How can…