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  • Saving and Loading igGrid State in localStorage

    IgniteUI 2012.2 - igGrid

    I'd like to be save the user's settings like sorting, pageSize, pageIndex, column order, which columns are hidden, and filtering for the grid in localStorage.  The, when the page is loaded again, the grid would start out…

  • Using remote paging/filtering/sorting with igTreeGrid jQuery binding

    Currently, I'm returning a partial view with a model from my controller method. In the partial view, I'm binding an igTreeGrid using jQuery syntax.

    dataSource: @(Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.GetDataRows…

  • Grid Paging DDL breaks with Filtering and local DataBind


    I am using Ignite 13.1 (recently upgraded from 12.2), and a new bug has appeared with the grid.

    The grid in question is locally data bound (json) with the paging feature turned on.

    When filtering is performed on the data set the page size drop…