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  • Edit a cell in a column while another cell updates in the background


    I have a grid with 3 fields, name, status and duration time, the duration field is calculated in a function and is updated every second, but if I try to modify the name cell and at that moment the duration cell is updated I lose the focus and the…

  • Allow multiple selection at runtime in igGrid


    We have a grid configured on server side using Asp.Net MVC Helpers, and uses filtering and paging. Datasource is set to the initial data and datasourceUrl is set to get the paging data.

    Initial mode is single selection enabled in row mode. Row selectors…

  • Expand/Collapse button in Xamdatagrid header prefix area

    I added a button in Xamdatagrid headerprefix area.

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}">

    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}">…

  • core not showing Ignite grid


    I've been successful loading a datatable in a core project, But the page doesn't show the grid in the Resource view as in the attachment below. You can right click the page and view the source code containing the loaded data, it just doesn…

  • Saving and Loading igGrid State in localStorage

    IgniteUI 2012.2 - igGrid

    I'd like to be save the user's settings like sorting, pageSize, pageIndex, column order, which columns are hidden, and filtering for the grid in localStorage.  The, when the page is loaded again, the grid would start out…

  • Passing additional post parameters in remote data source

    When using the igGrid with remote data source, is there any way to include additional parameters in the POST body of the request made to the server for retrieving the data?

  • Using remote paging/filtering/sorting with igTreeGrid jQuery binding

    Currently, I'm returning a partial view with a model from my controller method. In the partial view, I'm binding an igTreeGrid using jQuery syntax.

    dataSource: @(Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.GetDataRows…

  • POST request with igGrid and AppendRowsOnDemand feature


    I'm using igGrid with AppendRowsOnDemand and I want to send a Post request with a body.
    Is there anyway to do this mantaining AppendRowsOnDemand feature working?

    Something like this:
    primaryKey: "ProductID",

  • Update data source after column formatter allied.

    On on individual columns in a grid I am using the formatter to set some default values. The default values are for drop downs in the grid rows. One of these is for a default currency. The default currency is set in the grid if no currency is specified…

  • angular2, rxjs Observables and datasource

    How can I set an Observable returned by angular2 http service as a grid's (or any other control's for that matter) datasource?

    I've reviewed the samples on github but there all the data is populated right in the component's constructor.…

  • bind iggrid in jquery tabs

    I am using jquery tabs to show my iggrid. I have created a partial view to show the iggrid and in tabs Url I am passing this partial view with id to show data based on that Id in grid. When the first grid is loaded, data is coming properly but selecting…

  • iggrid not rebinding data when observable array changes.

    I have iggrid which complains about the grid feature "Updating" to be added to dynamically rebind the grid but after I do add that feature, it throws an error of "newds" is not a function. I am using durandal and binding it to an observable array. How…

  • Grid not binding after loading data if No. of columns is more


    I am using igGrid to show data from table in my application. I have used XML files to bind columns to igGrid and initialize the grid. My table has more than 60 columns. First time the grid is working fine but when I load data from table it's…

  • AngularJS Updating DataSource


    I'm trying to figure out how to refresh the grid after assigning new data to DataSource but can't seem to figure it out.

    For example:

    $scope.gridData = [{"ID": 1, "Name": "Davolio"},{"ID": 2, "Name": "Fuller"}];…

  • Server-side paging/filtering/sorting with odata

    I have a MVC application where I am using iggrid and data is loaded using OData. Everything works fine but the problem comes when I enter some text in filtering for any column and try to reload the page with copy and paste to new browser window. It works…

  • Basic Grid Control with Entity Framework (With Relationships) - Internal Server Error - 500


             I am trying to do a Basic MVC application with Grid Control. I followed the Tutorial Videos at . The Code looks exactly similar discussed in the video except for the Entity Framework which I used my Models. 

    The Problem…

  • Need to bind values to combo inside igGrid with each combo in a data row having a different array bound to it using Updating event


    I have an igGrid (2013.2 version) with virtualization set to true and mode as continuous. The grid has Updating feature with cell mode editing enabled. 

    The cell in the edit mode needs to display igCombo but the list item values in the combo should…

  • AutoGenerateColumns(true) does not render rows & Dynamic datasource of igGrid


    I am having issues with the autogeneratecolumns feature of igGrid.

    I am given the task of making a generic grid which could render the data of a dynamic datasource provided to it at runtime.

    I am using Asp.Net MVC. I have a view named Listing.cshtml…

  • API grid update without rebinding, and correct UI ?

    Hi, I am trying to use an igGrid that is updated in real time by API (not from user actions), with a local (initially empty) datasource in a Single Page Application.

    Modifying the datasource does not trigger a grid redraw.

    Modifying the grid with igGridUpdating…

  • Cannot Bind Web API Generated JSON Data to Grid

    I am getting this json data:

  • Infragistics igGrid

    I am using igGrid in my page and it is not displaying data quickly and frequently it is getting struck and hanging.

    Also need to refresh the page frequently  to display the data.

    I am using stored procedure for displaying data.

    Please provide me solution…

  • Grid Paging DDL breaks with Filtering and local DataBind


    I am using Ignite 13.1 (recently upgraded from 12.2), and a new bug has appeared with the grid.

    The grid in question is locally data bound (json) with the paging feature turned on.

    When filtering is performed on the data set the page size drop…

  • DataSource changed - Filter or Sorting reset

    I change the DataSource of the igGrid in a jQuery-keyup-event on a HTML-Listbox like this:

    function GridLaden(userId)
                var Datenurl = "MandantenMitRecht.php?userid="+userId;
                    function (mandanten)

  • Trying to use ArrayDataSource with igGrid is very trying

    We are attempting to use the ArrayDataSource with igGrid in order to streamline the data delivered to the client as much as possible.

    However, there appear to be issues in the dataSource that prevent it from being used.

    Specifically, when you attempt…

  • Error message when binding to data source using Linq

    Hi, I'm trying to get my grid to bind to a Linq to Entity Framework data source, but I'm getting an error in the Javascript (attached).

    I'm using MVC, and have set up the data model to use remote filtering, paging, grouping and sorting. The controller…