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  • ignite-ui-angular/angular/components/grid/search

    I am having a problem with the search engine. It is not highlighting the columns that ng-template. I need to use ng-template to use the let-cell to manipulate the information and style.

            <igx-column *ngIf="row.datatype === 'capitalized…
  • igx-grid vertical column headers

    Dear Infragistics Team,

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and am exploring options for customizing the appearance of the grid's column headers.

    I have a specific requirement to align the column headers vertically. Could you please…

  • Does igx-grid support filtering from a column with an array of objects?


    Does igx-grid support filtering from a column with an array of objects? For example, if rows are teams information. Each row represents a team. A column called "Members" which is an array of "Person" object. Person has name, address, city, country…

  • Mouse-hover in data-grid from field in data-grid

    I am roughly on latest AG/ID (14.2).

    I have a data grid which represents scenarios (name, start, end, etc.) to which users want to add a field for comments (to describe purpose for oddly-suffixed scenario names). Adding the field is simple enough, but…

  • IGX Grid Summary custom html class for each column summary

    Inside IGX grid have custom Summary for each column. I need to align (Right, Left) the summary depending upon the data type of column. For that I need to add the CSS class in each summary column inside the summary section.

    How to achieve this issue?
