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  • Angular Grid Row Editing multiple fields in same column

    I have a requirement where I have a single column "Sort" which has two separate Fields "Position" and "Direction". Is it possible to use cell.editValue.Position and cell.editValue.Direction which also submits the Cancel/Done options in grid editing. This…

  • Creating expandaple content inside a docmanager pane

    Hi there,
    Im using the Ignite Dock Manager to create a dynamic form.

    In the pane I place checkbox list, with dynamic number of items (see screenshot attached).

    Here is my issue: 
    I need to be able to expand the checkbox list height.

    ideally, the checkbox list…

  • columnMovingEnd missing dropPosition

    All columns in my grid are movable. Now I need to be able to determine the position relative to the target object during a move operation. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way yet, because neither columnMovingEnd, columnMoving nor columnMovingStart provide…

  • Huge Data Excel Download


    I want to export huge data like >10lakh rows (>1crore values). I am not able to fetch this type of data through any API as there are memory constraints for any backend language that is around (10lakh values). How can I download excel values directly…

  • Getting a Dock Manager Reference isn't working.

    I am using the Dock Manager for two to three panes.  Works great, but I want to be able to capture events.  I have tried the example under Web Components -> Dock Manager -> Events but the reference for the Dock Manager comes up as either 'null' or 'undefined…

  • creating new project

    Hello : I 've run the following command to create new project 

    ng new  RepoPack01  --collection="@igniteui/angular-schematics" --template=side-nav

    got this .. why ? 

    - Installing packages (npm)...npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
    npm ERR! ERESOLVE could…

  • Angular 14 to 15 failing even after adding stylePreprocessorOptions

    Hi team ,

    I am updating from Angular 14 to 15. I see that the error shown is similar to what is added in this post

    Error for referen…

  • After Updating from 16 to 17, Elements of the igx-grid spam errors in console

    Hi everyone,

    After a clean update from angular 16 to angular 17 every igx-table continue to throw errors like:

    - ERROR Error: NG0100: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'cosy'. Current…

  • starting new project

    How do I choose between Angular Schematics CLI  vs Ignite UI CLI .. 

    Ignite UI for Angular Schematics are available as a collection that can be used with the Angular CLI.
    They offer similar core Ignite UI CLI functionality, but one that's integrated with…

  • Igx-grid in cell edit mode cursor goes beginning of the value in number field

    Hi Team,

    I did angular migration from v14 to v17. In igx grid cell enters edit mode, the cursor goes to the beginning of the value, I want it to be end. All number field it is happening sometimes. Please give me solution. Thanks.

  • ignite-ui-angular/angular/components/grid/search

    I am having a problem with the search engine. It is not highlighting the columns that ng-template. I need to use ng-template to use the let-cell to manipulate the information and style.

            <igx-column *ngIf="row.datatype === 'capitalized…
  • Radio button change event not triggering for manually set value

    I am using Infragistics radio button for my application and recently we have migrated angular from 11 to 17. I am facing one strange issue. Radio button change event is not triggering for first time (manually set) but its working fine if we change it…

  • Just in Time for Angular 17 - It’s Ignite UI 17.0.0!

    Angular 17 is here and many refer to it as Angular Renaissance! New features, new branding, new website, new future-looking identity – these exciting things make it a really special release. And just in time for Angular 17, there’s Ignite UI 17.0.0 as…

  • Is it possible to filter an igx actionstrip menu based on a field value from a grid row?

    I have a grid with records that all contain a status. On the grid I have an actionstrip with two current entries, Submit and Delete:

    <igx-action-strip #actionstrip [context]="">
                    <div *igxActionStripMenuItem…
  • Is there a way to sort an IGX-Grid to bring selected rows to the top?

    I have one grid where I am adding files to a document storage system.  After the files are added, I go to a second grid which displays the documents available for further processing.  I would like the documents just added to be selected and at the top of…

  • igx-checkbox disabled state

    Hi everyone,

    I am having trouble setting the disabled status of a checkbox.

    I get the html element for the checkbox with a querySelector:

    let myCheckbox: HtmlInputElement | null = document.querySelector("#idOfMyIgxCheckbox");

    (I can't use…

  • igx-grid vertical column headers

    Dear Infragistics Team,

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and am exploring options for customizing the appearance of the grid's column headers.

    I have a specific requirement to align the column headers vertically. Could you please…

  • igx-grid | empty state template

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and have a question regarding the customization of the empty state template. I am looking to make adjustments not only to the text but also to the HTML structure to display an image along with a heading…

  • How to create circular non-proportional zones on IgxGeographicMapComponent.

    Hi Team,

    Is there any way to create circular non-proportional zones on IgxGeographicMapComponent? So, that after zooming in/out on the map, the zone radius should not change. 

    I tried creating circular zones using IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent…

  • row show/hide and add/remove features in igx-data-grid

    Currently we are using premium version of data grid and we are also looking for row show/hide and add/remove features and I think that is currently not available. If it's available or it's in the development phase, please do let me know. Thank you.…

  • Ignite UI for Angular 16.1.0: What's New?

    Ignite UI for Angular is constantly evolving to improve developers’ experience. With the Ignite UI for Angular 16.1.0 Release, we do exactly that – offering better app building processes but also standardizing the UX across all of our modern…

  • igx-grid column alignment


    I am faced with a requirement to align the content of a specific cell and its corresponding header to the right side of the igx-grid.

    Like this:

    After going through the documentation and exploring various options within the igx-grid configuration…

  • igx-grid endEdit no longer returns a value

    We have just upgraded from version 10 to 14. In the process, we discovered that although the grid's crud service still returns true if the end cell editing event is cancelled, this return value is not passed back in the grid's endEdit method.

  • How To Improve the Performance of Angular Apps?

    Angular has become a very popular and widely adopted framework for developing modern web applications. This technology is both very powerful and feature-rich. Everything that you need as a web developer comes out-of-the-box and Angular allows for easily…