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  • Does igx-grid support filtering from a column with an array of objects?


    Does igx-grid support filtering from a column with an array of objects? For example, if rows are teams information. Each row represents a team. A column called "Members" which is an array of "Person" object. Person has name, address, city, country…

  • Programmatically create and access dropdowns

    I am working with AG/IG ~12.3.

    Users want to compare a list of scenarios with a dynamic length and several controls are necessary for each. The basics of it are the scenario type (to filter the list of scenarios down) and the scenarios list (for users…

  • Show Dropdown when data is present

    I am using Angular 12.3 with IG 12.3.

    I have a "control panel" which should show if there is data in my scenarios lists. I can verify that data has landed in both lists, but around 33% of the time, the control panel doesn't show up, even though there…

  • Hide igxExcelStyleSorting, igxExcelStyleMoving in Ignite 10.2.5

    Hi, I just upgraded to version 10.2.5 of ignite and one thing has changed. Before I could directly overwrite the templates in order to prevent it from being displayed. Now that has changed, I can't do it like before. I don't want to overwrite the whole…

  • Column formatter with excel filters not working properly


    I am using the formatter for several grid columns to apply formatting on numbers to required decimal places. The problem I am seeing is that if you have multiple values which format to same value they still show independently in the list. So for example…

  • Custom String Date Filter


    I am having issues with date filters. The problem is that since there is no date type in JSON all the data comes from server with string representations of dates. Since the dataType date only supports actual date objects this doesn't work. So unless…

  • How to write ODataV4 filter query from Advanced Filtering?

    I need to create a odata v4 query with filter applying the Advanced Filtering Expressions. Can someone help?

  • Do Remote Filtering with Advanced Filtering

    Is there a way to do remote filtering with advanced filtering?

  • How to apply multiple filters on one column

    I am trying to apply multiple filters on one column for the Igx grid but I'm not able to find a solution. I’m trying to do this in the Angular Typescript code

    I've looked at the FilteringExpressionsTree and tried using that but it seems that it…

  • Filter by date - time in excelStileFiltering

    I'm trying to add a filter to columns of type time. I haven't seen a way to do this and have a filter, so I decided to override date type and use it¡s excellFilter. The problem is that the filter doesn't allo the user to select time, only date, moreover…

  • igx-combo when filterable option is false it removes filter input too

    When I use igx-combo component filter search input feature is good and works but I want to fill data from Rest API unfortunately filter feature brokes me.

    Example Case : After I type  "coca cola york" .. My API find familiar results about it like…

  • igx-combo tagged component doesn't accept caseSensitive option

    I am using ignite tool for my app but at this time I realized, igx-combo component filter has not case sensitive in Turkish language.

    For example : 

    our option is chai .. when I type 'ai' option appears ! perfect.. bu i search 'Aİ' no reaction. (you read…

  • Grid Advanced Filtering to Independent Query Builder?

    Good Morning,

    We have a requirement for our project to allow the user to build a query through our UI that would then be translated to a Mongo Query and passed to our Java Service and return data based on the Query Parameters.  We have been looking at…

  • Saving Predefined User Filters


    I have seen in another forum post that the grid data filtering is able to retain a JSON string containing all the page data (filters, sorting, page, etc) in the the localStorage when a user navigates away from the filtering page, thus allowing the…

  • How to set filter for dropdown column in igx grid Angular?

    We are using igx-Grid and Angular, In our Grid we are able to bind the dropdown as a column, and we have enabled the filterable true for that column, On Filter dialogue we are seeing Id instead of name/Description. I couldn't find any sample like igx-grid…

  • Grid filtering for a computed value

    Using Igniteui-angular 7.3.15

    My scenario: I have 2 date columns that I want to provide a diff between.  I thought I would just utilize an igxCell template and reference the dates from the rowData of the cell reference I have in place.  My markup looks like…

  • igx-tree-grid filter customization

    Hi Team,

    I am using Ignite UI for Angular data grid in angular 7 before we have used infrgistics grid in angularjs now we are upgrading angularjs application to angular 7 . I want to customize column filter with dropdown filter for some particular column…