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  • ignite-ui-angular/angular/components/grid/search

    I am having a problem with the search engine. It is not highlighting the columns that ng-template. I need to use ng-template to use the let-cell to manipulate the information and style.

            <igx-column *ngIf="row.datatype === 'capitalized…
  • igx-grid vertical column headers

    Dear Infragistics Team,

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and am exploring options for customizing the appearance of the grid's column headers.

    I have a specific requirement to align the column headers vertically. Could you please…

  • Mouse-hover in data-grid from field in data-grid

    I am roughly on latest AG/ID (14.2).

    I have a data grid which represents scenarios (name, start, end, etc.) to which users want to add a field for comments (to describe purpose for oddly-suffixed scenario names). Adding the field is simple enough, but…

  • Plot points of chart based upon multiple attributes

    On AG/IG ~13.2.

    As a followup to Color coordinating by parameters between charts, I'm wondering how to get data points to be plotted based upon multiple attributes.

    I have built in functionality to filter down (and sum by) multiple attributes, as requested…

  • Clicking outside row editing is committing changes...

    I'm on IG12.3 and AG 12.3.

    I am asking a follow-up to onrowedit default behaviour, since that didn't work for me. I assume I'm doing something wrong, as always, though.

    Here is my grid declaration:

        <igx-grid #scenarioList id="scenarioList…

  • Please help: batchEditing isn't a know property of 'igx-grid

    I want to enable batch editing for a igx-grid to allow commitment of edited rows to a database. But I get the error: "NG8002: Can't bind to batchEditing since it isn't a know property of 'igx-grid'".

    I already have IgxGridMo…

  • ToggleEvent for Data Grid


    I want to detect if a user collapse or expand a toggle in the Data Grid.

    Is there a Event to detect this toggle change and to handle this event?

  • Hide igxExcelStyleSorting, igxExcelStyleMoving in Ignite 10.2.5

    Hi, I just upgraded to version 10.2.5 of ignite and one thing has changed. Before I could directly overwrite the templates in order to prevent it from being displayed. Now that has changed, I can't do it like before. I don't want to overwrite the whole…

  • Filter by date - time in excelStileFiltering

    I'm trying to add a filter to columns of type time. I haven't seen a way to do this and have a filter, so I decided to override date type and use it¡s excellFilter. The problem is that the filter doesn't allo the user to select time, only date, moreover…

  • Restrict the user to enter upto 9 digits for a particular number datatype column


    I am using Igx-data Grid. I have column for combination of string and number datatype.

    I want to write a validations for the number datatype column:

    Requirement: Restrict the user to input only 9 digits for a particular column.

    Hope to hear reply…

  • Opening of Dialog/Popup on click of any column data in Igx_grid

    Hi All,

    I have a requirement which includes to open a popup or dialog on click of a particular column in Igx_grid, Any Idea how can we implement this feature using Ignite UI.

    An Example for the solution would be very much helpful.



  • Request: to add examples for Grid with context menu.


    I am a developer and now I am making an analysis of features of "ignite ui for angular" to decide what's the best choice for our product and on which product should be our money spent for :).
    And I come to the conclusion that "igniteUI…

  • IgniteUI angular not working on IE11

    On IE11 nothing is displaying properly all the CSS styling overlapped like igx date picker, igx grid filters, etc...

    No issues with Chrome, firefox and edge browsers

  • deselectRows function not working in igx-grid


    I'm using igniteui-angular version 8.0.3.

    In igx-grid, I have one column which is editable. it is of type number.

    Also rowSelectable configuration kept as true.

    my requirement is when input is > 0, want to select that row from code.


  • Igx grid sum of selected rows

    Hi Team,

    I'm using igniteui-angular package with version 8.0.3 and using in angular project with angular version 6.

    In igx-grid, I want the sum of a column for the selected rows only( rows with check-boxes checked). Please help/guide me to achieve…

  • igniteui igxgrid angular row background color dynamic

     Is there a way to set the background color for rows (igxgrid)  dynamically based on a status column(string/number) value?

    green - completed

    red - errors

    blue - running

  • Ignite UI iggrid anular: on mouse right click context menu?


    I have a grid and I need to generate context menu when I right click on a row. Does ignite ui have this feature? Please let me know.

