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  • Another Hierachical Data and Field Layout / Binding question

    I have a Custom object that represents inventory items and looks similar to this:

     public class InvItem {

            public string ItemID {




      public string UPC_SKU {




       public string StockingUM {




    public decimal Price {




     public decimal Weight {


  • Separate header for Hierarchical datas

    Hi all,

    In my grid i have binded hierarchical data (4 level). Everything working fine.

    Think my grid have 10 rows. If i expand the 3rd rows in my grid, it is expanded.

    After that, it is very difficult to match cell values and column header from 4th…

  • Styling the HeaderPresenter

    I’m trying to style the background color of the Header Presenter.  I’ve styled it as follows:

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPresenter}">
     <Setter Property="Template">