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  • Binding expression errors when using AlternateBinding


    In our application we have a XamDataGrid with dynamic nested columns. We've set up the backing data classes as the following: 

        class Parent
                public Parent(string name)
                    Name = name;

  • In XamDataGrid Accessing the Filter operands list (eg. Equals, Not Equals etc.) as well as the filter options are not accessible by keyboard because they don't get focused.

    In the attached datagrid, the columns can be filtered by Operators(greater than, equal to) using mouse clicks. However, keyboard accessibility is currently restricted, As the filter by operands tabs are non-focusable. Consequently, users relying on screen…

  • XamDataGrid ComboBoxField input to uppercase


    I have a XamDataGrid with a ComboBoxField that is editable. I would like to force all characters to be upper case when the user is typing.

    I managed it for TextField using a style with 'CharacterCasing'.

    Here is my XamDataGrid XAML:


  • Merge Silverlight XamComboEditor with Wpf.XamComboEditor

    The idea is to merge the functionality like filtering user input from the silverlight XamComboEditor with the one from the Wpf-NameSpace.

    So that there is one control which works out of the box as a standalone usercontrol as well as inside the XamDataGrid…

  • XamDataGrid copy issue + cell highlight


    I have a two copy/paste issues with a XamDataGrid.

    1. Copying from column 1 (CTRL+C) is not working
    2. Copy and paste from column 2 will result in a trailing new line
      • For example
      • Instead of "Abc text"
      • I get "Abc text\n"
    3. When I…
  • DataGrid with nested layout and extended BindableBase


    I have a datagrid with a nested layout. This is all working fine until I have created an inherited version of BindableBase.

    When adding a public property of type List (normal bool and string is fine) I get an additional nested layer.

    The issue…

  • Binding XamDataGrid to Data derived from Entity Framework

    Good morning! I'm trying to bind a XamDataGrid to an ObservableCollection made up of an object derived from a DBContext generated with EntityFramework. Though I am binding the datagrid's Data Source to my Observable Collection, the grid never visually…

  • XamDataGrid scrollbar problems for hierarchical results when AutoFit is used

    I have a problem with appearing scrollbars for hierarchical view when AutoFit is used. I found very old thread which was redirecting to Microsoft site with resolution which unfortunately is already dead.

    I've also created sample application. How to…

  • Grouping in XamDataGrid displays Id

    I have a XamDataGrid with a XamComboEditor set as one of the fields, the item-source for this field is a list of objects with a enum as the id and a string as the name.

    When the XamDataGrid is gruoped by this field it displays the id as the fieldname…

  • A checkbox event occurs when a field group is dynamically added to the field layout.

    <Grid Grid.Row="2">
        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="U_DataList"
                          BorderBrush="{StaticResource BorderColorBrush}"

  • I want to prevent editing of specific fields in specific rows.

    I previously posted this on another issue, but your site took too long to upload, so I made a new

    I want to bind the IsThisFieldEditable property of MeasureSetInformationsSt.cs to AllowEdit.

    public ObservableCollection<MeasureSetInformationsSt…

  • XamDataGrid Broken Child Band's Indentation On All Unselected Tabs


    I am using XamDataGrid inside XamDockManager's DockManagerPanel, I've setup it in a way that there are two Tabs available for User.

    Both grids which are shown on the image are identical from the code and style perspective.

    Issue is that for…


    How can i use the xamdatagrid configurator?

    I installed infragistics but i don't see it in the extension menu of my vs2022

    so i to my opinion the configurator arent loaded and cannot be used.

    How to get infragistics in the extension menu and the…

  • XamDataGrid SummaryDefinitions Calculator Sum is not working for unbound field


    I have an unbound field that I want to show the sum of it in the footer, but it shows it as 0.00.

    Unbound Field:

    <dataPresenter:UnboundField x:Name="txt_amt" Name="amt" Label="" DataType="{x:Type system:Int32}">…

  • XamDataGrid in a user control


    I want to show different grids based on business criteria with different columns.

    The idea is to have a separate UserControl with a grid and in parent page change it(by hiding/showing ). 

    I tried embedding the grid in user control with no data context…

  • DataGrid Button Cell - Conditional visibility

    Hi Folks,

    I have a Datagrid with a csutom columns that has a button as a content. The button is visible for all rows. What I would like to do is to make the button invisible and set IsEnabled to false if an underlying ViewModel for this row is of certain…

  • ExcelExporter exports value for Combobox


    We are using XamGrid v14.0 and using ExcelExporter to export the grid.

    One of our fields uses Unbound and has a ComboBox in ControlTemplate, when exporting to Excel the value is always empty. Here is the cell in xamdatagrid:


  • XamDataGrid with children objects, but just one header


    is it possible (and if yes, how?) to create an xamdatagrid that looks like this? Or should i use something else instead of xamdatagrid?

    I also would like the parent records to be collapsible. And AutoGenerateFields should be false.

    Parent class has…

  • Current coordinate point position from mouse cursor


    I am in need of  help trying to get the tooltip data from the mouse cursor when the tooltip is not enabled. I noticed that when the tooltip is enabled, the tooltip is set to an object called "ScatterSeriesValueDataContext" which has the X, Y and…

  • UI hangs

    Hello community!

    The datagrid is used to display production information. At the moment around 1600 rows are loaded and displayed. For user convenience, multiple converters and styles are used for background color and for displaying the values. To enhance…

  • XamDatagrid: fix some columns


    I have a XamDatagrid with following setup:

    1. Two fix fields on the left end

    2. Some variable fields (user can show/hide/move)

    3. One fix field

    4. A number of code behind generated fields

    I would like to get following situation:

    a) The two fields…

  • Exception in Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.RecordManager.OnBindingListChanged

    We are getting a random ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException in our application. Looking at the call stack, it is being caused in OnBindingListChanged which originates in OnDelayedChange. It appears that in OnBindingListChanged it is attempting to access…

  • XamDataGrid Custom filter operators are not retained when settings FilterUIType to LabelIcons

    We are using XamDataGrid control in our UIs and came across an issue. Custom filters, when applied by user, are not retained when getting back to apply a new custom filter. For example, if I have a field for which I add a "StartWith" Condition with a…