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  • how to add row names to XamDataGrid while still otherwise autogeneratin columns

    I am binding a DataTable to a XamDataGrid and would like to have row names.

    Can I have a manually added first column that binds to an observableCollection or is there some other way of doing this short of inserting it into the table?


  • xamdatagrid to datatable

    Is it possible to convert a xamdatagrid to a datatable?

    I have a customized export function that only accepts the type DataTable, however I field my data in a XamDataGrid. Is it possible to do this conversion?

  • Adding Vertical and Horizontal ScrollBar to a XamDataGrid

    I have a XamDataGrid whose width and height adjust automatically according to the filled information. However, the XamDataGrid itself is part of a fixed sized grid. In some cases, the last column or row are being cut out. So I need for the XamDataGrid to…

  • Accessing each cell of a multi-row XamDataGrid

    Good Morning 

    So I have the following multi-row XamDataGrid. Each Column is an attribute of an external database table. What I need to do is access each cell and extract it in string form in order to save it to the data base. How can I do so?

  • Adding a new line of records in a XamDataGrid

    Good morning 

    So I have the following XamDataGrid

    What I need to do is check if all the cells in the first row are not empty, a new second row will appear beneath the first row so that when I want to save multiple rows to the database it would be possible…

  • Binding two different ComboBoxFields in a XamDataGrid

    Good morning

    So I have the following XamDataGrid

    Each Combo contains a list of names and nicknames. what I need to do is when I select the nickname, the name gets selected automatically, and vise versa. So the selection of one needs to be attached…

  • 2nd ComboBoxField Filter display the ValuePath instead of DisplayMemberPath

    I'm using infragistics 14.2 ,in a XamdataGrid charged by a MvvM, the 2nd comboboxfield filter diplay de ValuePath instead of DisplayMemberPath but the 1st comboboxfield filter it works well 


    2nd ComboBoxField

    1st Combo box

    Both ComboBoxFied use a ObservableCollection…

  • XamDataGrid 17.1 ComboBoxField ItemsSource to be bound to the Record and not ViewModel

    Hello there,

    I am using Infragistics 17.1.

    Inside a XamDataGrid I have a ComboBoxField, which I want to populate from a property of the Record object and not the ViewModel.
    So far I have tried with:

    <igWPF:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Path=TreeItems…

  • Expand a row in XamDataGrid


    I am new to Infragistics, and I have a simple XamDataGrid binded to a List<Items>.

    I want the user to be able to expand any row, and see more details regarding the selected row in the expanded area beneath the row.

    Can someone demonstrate…

  • Sort 2 column in XamDataGrid

    Hi everyone, I am new to this and I need help on sorting in xamdatagrid. Currently I manage to sort my xamdatagrid but only 1 fieldname. I want to sort it with the 1st fieldname then 2nd fieldname. How can I do that in C#? 


  • 'Selected' name cannot be found in the name scope of 'System.Windows.Controls.ControlTemplate'.

    Has this issue been seen before? I have a grid and when its refreshed it is throwing this error? At this point there's no real good way to debug it and I can't pinpoint what is causing the issue. I do believe it is coming from the xamDataGrid hosted…

  • Custom Expandable Field Record Presenter Style


    I'm trying to achieve a similar result as in your xamFeatureBrowser tutorial for the "Custom Expandable Field Record Presenter Style".

    There are a few differences between what is my code and what you use in that tutorial:

    1. I am…

  • Problem with Bindings in DataGrid

    I am having problems with the Bindings in XamDataGrid. I have an MVVM application where the Model uses a DynamicBindingProxy to bind the properties of the datacontract. This works fine with normal bindings. Using XamDataGrid i get no data at all. Also…

  • Multiple binding at runtime


    I am creating grid at runtime.

    in FieldLayoutInitialized i am creating unbound fields.

    one sample unbound field is

    UnboundField field = new UnboundField();

    field.Name= "Testfield";

    field.BindingPath = "Binding path";


  • Display recursive data in XamDataGrid

    I am updating a Windows Forms program to WPF, and I'm having some trouble using grouping in the XamDataGrid control. The data that I want to display is "recursive" and I therefore need to display datacells in every row of the grid. This works fine in…

  • How to add CellValuePresenter to xamDataGrid in code



    I have the following question : how do I add a cellvalue presenter style to my datagrid through the c sharp code instead of the XAML so I can modify this according to the user's preferences ?

    The following style is included in my XAML :

  • Custom filter on new field inserted on runtime

    Hi Guys,

    I want a functionality something like Excel. I'm able to populate data in the xamDataGrid.

    I'm able to add a new field/column to the xamDataGrid on runtime.

    Now I want to apply a filter on this new field having a formula, for instance…

  • XamDatagrid Unboundfield with ComboBox no items

    Hi I have an XamDatagrid with an UnboundField that is an ComboEditor. So when im setting the DataContext of the Page which holds the DataGrid with an ViewModel.

    _DetailFenster.DataContext = _ReminderViewModel;

    Everything is Binded only the ComboBox…

  • xamDataGrid/xamControls for WPF full support for .Net/WPF 4.0

    Hi guys,

    Are the current XamControls for WPF fully support .Net/WPF 4.0?

    As we are developing an WPF Business App, so we want the xamControls to be fully supportable to WPF 4. But nowhere on the website or documentation it's mentioned that the controls…

  • Setting XamDataGrid.DataSource every several seconds causes issues

    My application acts like a monitor on a database.
    Every 5 seconds I'm retrieving the data and setting it to the grid.DataSource.

    public void SetDataSource(object dataSource)
        //Before the data changes we save the selected DataId and the scroller ofset…

  • How to put double line in xamdatagrid Header column?

    I want wpf xamDatagrid gird header column with two row lines  as folows.




    instead of the default 'Total Wages".



  • Honoring FixedToNearEdge Columns When Printing

    Hello All,

    I am printing my XamDataGrid as follows:
       Report report = new Report();
       EmbeddedVisualReportSection section = new EmbeddedVisualReportSection(m_dataGrid);

    I have set the following on the two left…

  • Displaying negative numbers.


    I'm using ver. 9.1.20091.2075

    I can't get the negative sign (-) in the left of the number as usual.

    but i can't get to this state.

    all i succeed is the one of the next two options:

    1. the sign (-) is at left, but all the number is…

  • TextBox for CellValuePresenter

    I need to show a textbox in the DataGrid, so users know which columns are editable. Currently, I am customizing the CellValuePresenter. However, if I don't customize the EditorStyle to be a textbox, then I don't receive the EditStarting, EditStarted,…

  • "Column'ed" groups in XamDataGrid

    I'm creating an application in C# using WPF and the Infragistics XamDataGrid control. The data that I want to display is recursive and I therefore want to group these.

    Due to the recursive structure of my data I want to show the grid colums/cells…