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  • 8.1 UltraWebGrid with 9.2 WebDropDown

    I have a page with an 8.1 UltraWebGrid and a 9.2 WebDropDown and both work when separate.

    I tried adding the WDD into the RowEditTemplate of the UWG, but it didn't work.

    Is that because of the version mismatch or can the 9.2 WDD work with an 8.1…

  • Help mee! colspan and rowspan ultrawebgrid

    Hi, I have a ultrawebgrid, one filled with a worktabke (database) to put some sample data. How well do colspan and rowspan for titles and so vertical horizontale. Preferably in the front and if not pocible in the back. Using and c #.


  • Adding a row cell with column span = 2

    Hello All


    How would I go about adding a row to a grid using javascript that has a cell which can span multiple columns?



    Richard Hughes

  • Ultrawebgrid Export to PDF grislines not displaying



    Hope this is an easy one for someone.  I have an UltraWebGrid(v10.3) that I am exporting to PDF.  I would like the gridlines to display, but can't seem to make that work.  How do I get the gridlines to display?





  • Grid Edit problems in IE9

    Recently our company migrated from windows XP and IE8 to Windows7 and IE9. I've begun to notice problems with the editing in our webgrids. They fill in a text and then press a button to process the grid, but the text is not saved. Also if they edit a…

  • UltraWebGrid scrolling compatible with Chrome, Safari?

    I have an aspx page with UltraWebGrid v 10.3 (10.3.20103.2164) which I am able to make scrollable in IE 8/9 and Firefox by the following code:


                gridMain.DisplayLayout.StationaryMargins = 

                    _initHeaderFooter != null ? StationaryMargins.HeaderAndFooter…

  • Object reference error when binding webcombo column in ultrawebgrid


    When I design ultrawebgrid by configuring columns with aspx code itself, when setting DataType and baseColumn name to a column which actually configured with webcombo column, on binding it throwing object reference error.


    My code look like,

  • Best control(s) to create a discussion thread?

    I have a WebGrid with data rows.  For each row, I would like to create something like a discussion thread where people can comment about the datarow info, and those comments can have comments, etc. 

    Something to the effect of a heirarchical webgrid where…

  • WebGrid PDF Printing Issues


    I have a WebGrid which has PDF printing.But if I make paging = true then the PDF report shows blank.

    If I remove paging it works fine.

    following is the code:

    protected void btnexportpdf_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)

  • Selecting Rows from grid with 200 rows is SLOW

    Hi. I am using the UltraWebGrid version 9.2.20092.2120

    Whenever I have 200 rows or more in the grid (each row  has between 40-50 columns in it), there is a two or 3 second delay from the time the row is clicked and when the row is selected.  I've removed…

  • UltraWebGrid on UpdatePanel - only captions displayed!


    We have UltraWebGrid that is placed on MS UpdatePanel. The grid should be refilled with data when user clicks on a button. Browser and LoadOnDemand properties are set to "XML", InitialiazeDataSource event is implemented. But only grid captions…

  • UltraWebGrid.ExcelExport: empty Stream

    Server Side Code: Visual RPG

    button that calls export method is within AJAX: UpdatePanel

    Getting a run-time error for an empty stream.  below is the code...could some explain...I see the grid (uwItem) & it is not empty so I am not certain what the issue…

  • Autopostback / Ajax Ultrawebgrid

    I am using nfragistics 7.1 and .Net (C#).

    I am using Meta tag to refresh the page every "x" seconds. But I dont want my page which has just the Ultrawebgrid not to flash. Basically some way for Ultrawebgrid to use AJAX and update the rows in the grid…

  • UltraWebGrid Band column move - only header moves


    I have a ultrawebgrid, in hierarchical type. Which allows sorting column moving by setting up the appropriate properties of grid.

    1) I am having issue with column moving , when I try to move the 0th band column, it moves successfully, but for 1th…

  • Does WebGrid allow displaying/hiding only through CSS styles display and visibility?

    Does WebGrid allow displaying/hiding through CSS styles display and visibility? I dont want to use WebGrid property Visible but want to display/hide only by setting style attributes display and visibility.

  • When publishing webGrid is invisible? URGENT! Anyone?

    I have read a few other posts regarding this issue but have yet to see an answer or a workaround other than taking the grid out of the content/detail page. 

    Why does the grid render beautifully when I am developing.  And when I publish  to my web server…

  • UltraWebGrid 2009 vol 1 and IE8

    My project is upgrading from .net framework 2.0 to 3.5 and we're upgrading infragistics (mainly UltraWebGrid) from 7.3.20073.1043 to 9.1.20091.2040. So far so good..

    My client's are running IE6 and will upgrade to IE8 via Windows 7 later on this…

  • UltraWebGrid issue with stationary header inside WebTab

    I have an ultrawebgrid inside a webtab control with the stationary margins set to header (in the aspx page, not onit).   When I double click on a row in the gird, the 2nd tab is activated.  After I click back  to my grid tab, the grid appears above the stationary…

  • Manually added row to UltraWebGrid after data bind dissapears on sort

    Hi All,

    I am binding a datasource to an UltraWebGrid, and then adding a row manually once this is complete (using "Rows.Add()".

    My manually created row displays fine in the grid, however, the values are lost if I sort any of the columns in…

  • UltraWebGrid does not render its scripts


    I'm facing a strange behavior using Ultra Web Grid under WARP.

    On some machines, an "Object expected" error appears when the browser tries to initialize the grid (igtbl_initGrid method) while on most of client machines the application is deployed…

  • Assemby error

    I am having trouble deploying the application on a particular server. The application is running fine on a test server and it is not on a QA server. Here is the error:

    The type 'Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.LayoutEventArgs' exists in both 'c:\WINDOWS…

  • Updating Filter Icon


     I'm using the FilterApplying event to manually filter my data on the server-side. However, the filter icon in the header is not updating to show that a filter has been applied to that column.  Is there a way to programatically update the filtered…

  • Programmatically UNgroup UltraWebGrid

    Hi folks! I am trying to ungroup a grid using code, but can't figure out, nor find anything about how, this is done. I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how this is accomplished, or at least point me in the right direction?

    Best Regards…

  • UltrawebGrid Hierarchical view problem: Showing only the first relation for multiple tables

    Suppose in a dataset, I have 3 tables, all has identical structure (column name and types), but different values. Lets call them A,B,C. Columnnames are (DepartmentID, DepartmentName, Parent):

    These 3 table will create 3 bands, right? This is Table A…

  • Missing RowEditTemplate for UltraWebGrid 5.2

    We recently moved over an old applicaton to a new server, and have noticed one issue with the UltraWebGrid - the webpage does not render the RowEditTemplate at all. There are no javascript errors and the page as a whole renders without error. T…