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  • UltraWebGrid 2009 vol 1 and IE8

    My project is upgrading from .net framework 2.0 to 3.5 and we're upgrading infragistics (mainly UltraWebGrid) from 7.3.20073.1043 to 9.1.20091.2040. So far so good..

    My client's are running IE6 and will upgrade to IE8 via Windows 7 later on this…

  • UltraWebGrid Select row issue on IE 7 & IE 8

    I am using UltraWebGrid of NetAdvantage version 9.1. I am getting selection problem in the grid on IE 7 and IE 8. When i select any one row then it is fine. But when i select any other row i get the following error: 'igtbl_StateChange.base.init' is null…