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  • Grid Edit problems in IE9

    Recently our company migrated from windows XP and IE8 to Windows7 and IE9. I've begun to notice problems with the editing in our webgrids. They fill in a text and then press a button to process the grid, but the text is not saved. Also if they edit a…

  • How to get Row Expansion Area Width ?

    Hi All,

    I'm looking for a way to get the width of the row expansion area on the client side.  I've put together something to resize heirarchical bands to match the width of the re-sized band.  The row expansion area isn't included when summing…

  • Ultrawebgrid clientside selection of rows slow


    In an Ultrawebgrid we have in an site, the user is able to multi select rows to perform actions against them. If you press the first row to highlight it, and then select the last row while pressing shift (to highlight them all), at the point…

  • WebGrid client side performance


    I'm willing to display a read-only grid which has 100 rows and 17 columns (5 of them hidden). I've tried two different scenarios, both results with a slow initialization on the client side (tested on IE 8 compatible mode, IE 7 and IE 6):