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  • Loosing my checkbox state when i collapse the tree

    Hi there,

    Im writing a tree with checkboxes and using wintree. Ive activated the Checkboxes by

    Override.Nodestyle = Nodestyle.Checkbox.

    By AfterCheck || BeforeCheck events ill handle the state of every checkbox. e.g ill check 1 of 2 cb in a Sub tree…

  • UltraTree - Margin between checkbox and image


    I am using an UltraTree for one of our projects.
    The NodeStyle is set to CheckBox and each Node gets an Image by means of:

    Node.Override.NodeAppearance.Image = image

    But this causes the checkbox and image to appear next to each other without…

  • Set the parents AfterCheck


    I like to make and treeview where the user checks the checkbox from and random node and all the child  and parent nodes must be checked or unchecked, relative from the random node.

    node1 (check)


    Node 1.1.1

    node 1.2 (check)

    node 1.2.1

  • UltraTree with checkboxes in selected cells

    I use an Infragistics UltraTree in a Winforms application as a treelist (outlook mode). The problem with the outlook mode is, that it is not possible to have node checkboxes. So my workaround is, to use a own column for the checkboxes.

    My question is…

  • Cell Value always false?


    the cell value in an pragramatically created Cell of type boolean is always false, even, if the grafically shown value is true.

    this is the creation code (bold marked cells ar programmatically added, the other columns are initialized by DataSource…