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  • Checkbox nodes for Grid viewstyle tree

    So ViewStyle of my Tree is set to Grid but I am overriding first few levels to make them appear as standard nodes (not show the grid columns).

    tree.NodeLevelOverrides[0].ShowColumns = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;

    How can I make the checkbox…

  • CheckBox in WinTreeColumn?


    it's possible to create a winTreeColumn as CheckBox programmatically?

    With Code such like

            private UltraTreeNodeColumn checkBoxColumn()
                UltraTreeNodeColumn checkboxColumn = new UltraTreeNodeColumn();
                checkboxColumn.DataType = typeof(bool…

  • UltraTree with checkboxes and columns


    I'm trying to create a UltraTree with several columns and checkboxes for the nodes. For some reason I can't get the checkboxes to appear. The only thing that seems necessary to get checkboxes is to set

        aTree.Override.NodeStyle = NodeStyle…

  • Loosing my checkbox state when i collapse the tree

    Hi there,

    Im writing a tree with checkboxes and using wintree. Ive activated the Checkboxes by

    Override.Nodestyle = Nodestyle.Checkbox.

    By AfterCheck || BeforeCheck events ill handle the state of every checkbox. e.g ill check 1 of 2 cb in a Sub tree…

  • UltraTree with CheckBox select on check or uncheck

    i have a tree with check box.when i am checking the node or un cheking the node, i need to make the node as selected node.i tried handling the Mouse_Down event,Before_Check and After_Check event of the tree view. now the selection moves but, the check…

  • UltraTree scrolls when child Nodes checkstate has changed

    Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 …

  • WinTree checkboxes

    Hi,I am using an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTree control which has checkboxes next to each node.  Is there a way of displaying the checkbox but blocking users from changing its checkstate? i.e. mimicking the functionality of a standard checkbox…
  • Setting cell.Value does not fire CellValueChanged

    I have an UltraTreeView with its ViewStyle = FreeForm. One of the columns is set to a Boolean type which renders a CheckBox. Within this column, I'm trying to modify a cell value using the following code:

    cell.Value = Not CBool…
  • UltraTree - Margin between checkbox and image


    I am using an UltraTree for one of our projects.
    The NodeStyle is set to CheckBox and each Node gets an Image by means of:

    Node.Override.NodeAppearance.Image = image

    But this causes the checkbox and image to appear next to each other without…

  • Set the parents AfterCheck


    I like to make and treeview where the user checks the checkbox from and random node and all the child  and parent nodes must be checked or unchecked, relative from the random node.

    node1 (check)


    Node 1.1.1

    node 1.2 (check)

    node 1.2.1

  • Cells are not editable, but AllowCellEdit.Full is set


    I try to use a WinTree to Edit some Data too.

    What's to do, to make a Column editable? At the Moment I'm writing a Code like this:

            private void ultraTreeDeliveryItems_ColumnSetGenerated(object sender, ColumnSetGeneratedEventArgs e)

  • How to Disable a checkbox in of the UltraTree

     With style to Standard and NodeStyle to checkbox, is there a way to disable the checkbox and still be able to expand the node? I tried disabling the node but that won't allow me to expand the node. 

    I just want to disable the checbox but still be able…

  • UltraTree Checkbox

     How Can I have a tree with checkboxes? what's the property I need to set to enable this?


  • UltraTree CheckBoxTriState

     With  ViewStyle to Grid, is it possible to have the CheckBox column to have a CheckBoxTriState ???

  • Editors per cell in an UltraTree

    Hi there,

    I have some difficulties to use editors in an ultra tree. I would like to create a tree just like the PropertyGrid, so I would like to have different data type in the cells (String, Integer, Boolean, Color, Font etc..)

    I succedded with the…

  • UltraTree with checkboxes in selected cells

    I use an Infragistics UltraTree in a Winforms application as a treelist (outlook mode). The problem with the outlook mode is, that it is not possible to have node checkboxes. So my workaround is, to use a own column for the checkboxes.

    My question is…

  • Re: UltraTree Checkbox

     Yeah I  found the CheckState to check uncheck the checkbox. 

     I'm having a hard time to find a way to disable a checkbox but with the node still expandable.

  • Cell Value always false?


    the cell value in an pragramatically created Cell of type boolean is always false, even, if the grafically shown value is true.

    this is the creation code (bold marked cells ar programmatically added, the other columns are initialized by DataSource…

  • Re: UltraTree Checkbox

     thanks, I guess your solution was for a grid.


    I found the way, I wanted standard and to show checkbox. it was setting the Override->NodeStyle


    Do you know how I can iterate the checkbox and check them? Can I disable the checkbox also?