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  • UltraChart support question

    Hello, we recently upgraded some of our software from .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6.  In doing so we discovered that a direct assembly reference to Infragistics4.Win.UltraWinChart.v22.1 is required for the UltraChart control rather than a NuGet package…

  • UltraDataChart value error when zoom in

    A normal image looks like this.

    When i zoom in, the green part of the image disappears.

  • UltraDataChart value error when zoom in

    A normal image looks like this.

    When i zoom in, the green part of the image disappears.

  • How to get UI status of the Chart?

    i am using ColumnSeries in UltraDataChart.

    Create a Series in one function and call the SaveTo function.
    Sometimes an empty image is created.

    So I want to check the state of the chart control and call a SaveTo function.

    void Test()
  • Converting UltraChart to UltraDataChart -Annotations and TitleBottom

    Hi, I am trying to convert some UltraCharts to UltraDataCharts, and i am struggling to find how to add the Annotations and TitleBottom that the UltraChart has. The annotations are EllipseAnnotation and BoxAnnotation, and they contain text inside of them…

  • Need guidance on UltraWinChart -> UltraDataChart migration

    Are there any resources (or tools?) available that document/faciliate how to transition from UltraWinChart to UltraDataChart?

    HI there, I've been asked to take over a product that using WinForms/Infragistics 16 and I want to migrate it to Infragistics…

  • Which chart control to use?

    I am just finishing up a bar chart using UltraCategoryChart. While researching I discovered that there are other chart controls.

    The post below for example indicates UltraChart and UltraDataChart, which means there are at least 3 chart controls. Which…

  • UltraDataChart tooltip mouse over

    Hello Folk,

    We want to add mouse over tooltip in Ultradatachart but could not find "Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles" dll for reference. Could you please help me out.

    Getting following error "The type or namespace name 'UltraChart' does not…
  • looking to port from c1chat to Infragistics chart

    Hi I am looking into changing our current chart control from c1chart to an Infragistics one.  I have many questions.  First being do i use  UltraChart or ultraDataChart?  Our data is just arrays of double?s (note nullable)