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  • UltraChart support question

    Hello, we recently upgraded some of our software from .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6.  In doing so we discovered that a direct assembly reference to Infragistics4.Win.UltraWinChart.v22.1 is required for the UltraChart control rather than a NuGet package…

  • Allow disabling of anti-aliasing on charts

    Please see this thread:

    I would like an option to disable the anti-aliasing on charts, as it makes lines appear inconsistent in weight, and rounding…

  • Inconsistent line widths

    Is there a way to prevent the anti-aliasing on stepped line series?  Given these are straight lines, it seems unnecessary, and makes some parts of the graph look significantly thicker than others:

  • UltraDataChart - how to add points to a series after initialization

    I'm able to setup and bind a chart very easily using the following code:

          Dim rand As New Random(DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond)
          Dim col As New DataCollection
          col.Add(#2/1/2023#, rand.NextDouble)
          col.Add(#2/2/2023#, rand.NextDouble…

  • UltraDataChart value error when zoom in

    A normal image looks like this.

    When i zoom in, the green part of the image disappears.

  • UltraDataChart value error when zoom in

    A normal image looks like this.

    When i zoom in, the green part of the image disappears.

  • UltraDataChart and dynamic ValueOverlay troubles

    I've got a simple line series chart that plots a patient's lab results.  

    On this graph, I've also added a valueoverlay onto the graph to display a line of what an acceptable result threshold would be.

    The user provides this threshold value…

  • Automatic adjust to consistent in format of y-axis label to show either scientific notation or normal

    We are using UltraDataChart and plotting the Graphs with LineSeries where CategoryXaxis and NumericYaxis are being used, We are facing some problem to achieve consistent in format and unique y-axis label format that should be either scientific format or…

  • UltraDataChart: right-click context menu on series

    Thanks to Andrew Goldenbaum, we've been experimenting with the UltraDataCharts and had some early success.  

    Regarding the subject of my post...

    I'd like to have the ability to provide a right-click context menu against the chart's series plotted graph…

  • Automatic adjust to consistent in size of y-axis label format for scientific notation

    We are using UltraDataChart and plotting the Graphs with LineSeries where CategoryXaxis and NumericYaxis are being used, We are facing some problem to achieve consistent in size and unique y-axis label format for scientific notation. 

    for example: 1.2E+X…

  • Refreshing/drawing/painting an UltraDataChart

    Thanks to Andrew Goldenbaum's recent help to a few of my previous questions, I'm off and running with a few new charts.  

    I created a new post/question as although related to ultradatachart creation/etc., it was slightly different that my previous…

  • UltraDataChart questions


    I'm rather new to using this control, and to Infragistics for the most part.

    I've got an UltraDataChart graphing patient Hemoglobin results over time.  

    1. I'd like to visualize a range of where these results are considered good...say results…

  • Add dash style

    Add dash style capability to a LineChart

  • Need an example for Callout Annotation

    I am using latest (21.2) version of datachart. I want to use Callout annotation but for some reason, the values are not showing up. I have column series and line series on the chart. I am somewhat new to Infragistics. I have figured out many things by…

  • When drawing a line chart, is it possible to group by series and draw?

    I searched for a sample, but there is no part about that content.

    I tried setting SetLabelAxisType of AxisItem to GroupBySeries in UltraChart,

    but I found that it is possible only when ChartLayerAppearance ChartType is ColumnChart. Line is not applied…

  • When drawing a line chart, is it possible to draw grouping them each series?

    I searched for a sample, but there is no part about that content.

    I tried setting SetLabelAxisType of AxisItem to GroupBySeries in UltraChart,

    but I found that it is possible only when ChartLayerAppearance ChartType is ColumnChart. Line is not applied…

  • How to get UI status of the Chart?

    i am using ColumnSeries in UltraDataChart.

    Create a Series in one function and call the SaveTo function.
    Sometimes an empty image is created.

    So I want to check the state of the chart control and call a SaveTo function.

    void Test()
  • Ultra data chart tooltips fixed on chart when i refresh data in chart like capturing images on refreshed chart

    i'm using infragistics 18.1 and ultra data chart 

    and also use 4series and Itemtooltiplayer 

    After viewing the current chart, after showing the tooltip, 
    if you search again,
    the afterimage of the tooltip will remain.

    It disappears when you close MDI…
  • Converting UltraChart to UltraDataChart -Annotations and TitleBottom

    Hi, I am trying to convert some UltraCharts to UltraDataCharts, and i am struggling to find how to add the Annotations and TitleBottom that the UltraChart has. The annotations are EllipseAnnotation and BoxAnnotation, and they contain text inside of them…

  • Need guidance on UltraWinChart -> UltraDataChart migration

    Are there any resources (or tools?) available that document/faciliate how to transition from UltraWinChart to UltraDataChart?

    HI there, I've been asked to take over a product that using WinForms/Infragistics 16 and I want to migrate it to Infragistics…

  • Sunburst charts

    Does Infragistics support Sunburst charts?  I haven't found a way of being able to drill down into pie charts.  I'd love to be able to chart like this:

    If not, is it on the roadmap?

  • Customising tooltip

    Sorry for yet another question.

    How can I customise the tooltip on UltraDataChart?  It seems to pick up strange defaults.  For example, it uses the header from the series in the datasource, rather than using the Title from the series.  It also displays a…

  • Incorrect tooltips on UltraDataChart

    I have tried creating a StackedAreaSeries chart on a TimeXAxis.

    Firstly, if I declare the series with ShowDefaultTooltips = true, and then add the stacks to the series, the tooltips do not appear.  I have to set this property after adding the series.  This…

  • ultradatachart Zoom with Margin


               i am using ultraDataChart. i have isue with zooming scale. zoom is working great without margin.

    if add margin (top,left,bottom,right) then zoom is not reflecting the correct value on chart. 

    namespace Zoom
    public partial class Form1 :…