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  • It only works the first time


    I have the following problem:

    I have a grid with a column data and a button, when I click on the button, open a modal window (XamDialogWindow)

    When I press the first time opens the modal window: perfect.

    After closing the window (pulse de close button…

  • Height of the XamDialogWindow

    What i do wrong here

     <ig:XamDialogWindow x:Name="popSelectUsage" WindowState="Hidden" IsModal="True" StartupPosition="Center" HeaderIconVisibility="Collapsed" MinimizeButtonVisibility="Collapsed" Width="850" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch">…

  • xamDialogWindow broken when added to ChildWindow

    I have a modal xamDialogWindow that I have added to a ChildWindow. When the xamDialogWindow is shown, it is shown on the parent form of the ChildWindow, not on the ChildWindow itself.