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  • Window State Issues when Minimize Panel is Set

    Hello again! I recently found an issue we're having with the XamDialogWindow where a window doesn't open or doesn't open correctly under certain circumstances. We have a dialog window defined in our XAML the user can close and open again and they can…

  • Nested XamDialogWindow with IsModal and RestrictInContainer set to true

    <ig:XamDialogWindow RestrictInContainer="True" Width="1024" Height="768" StartupPosition="Center">
       <ig:XamDialogWindow IsModal="True" RestrictInContainer="True" StartupPosition="Center">…

  • XamDialogWindow won't unminimize when MinimizePanel is set

    Hello! I found a bug after updating to 12.2.20122.2228 of Silverlight NetAdvantage. This is with Silverlight 5. When I have XamDialogWindows with a set MinimizePanel it will minimize correctly but when I try to unminimize it the dialog window will not…

  • Hide Header of XamDialogWindow

    Would like to hide the header portion of the Dialog box so it displays like a Window with WindowStyle="None" set.

    Can't find anyway to make this happen.

    Thanks for the help...

  • DialogWindow

    I am trying to make DialogWindow as a  user control.

    I am creating instance of that user control and then doing control.Show but dialog window is not showing up I also tried doing the following but with no success.

    Any help is appreciated.


  • Create dialog without specifiying container

    using the System.Windows.Controls.ChildWindow I can create a modal dialog and show it without setting a containing control.

    MyChildWindow window = new MyChildWindow();


    This lends itselft to the MVVM pattern very well.  Is it possible…

  • How to open DialogWindow?

    Just look at sample for dialogwindow. The code like:

    XamDialogWindow win = CreateDialogWindow();
    win.ModalBackgroundEffect = null;
    win.IsModal = true;
    win.Content = new MyUsercontrol();

    So it means when open a dialog,…

  • How to use XamDialog with MVVM

    I would like to use XamDialog in my project but it seems the dialog must be in the visualtree before you can call Show.  My project uses MVVM and the logic that determines when to show the modal is in my vm.  Is it possible to use XamDialog with mvvm

  • Unhandled exception when minimising XamDialogWindow

    I'm displaying a XamDialogWindow but when I minimize it I get the following unhandled exception:


    > [Window Title]

    > Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger

    > [Main Instruction]

    >An unhandled exception ('Unhandled Error in Silverlight A…

  • X button not disposing of Dialog fully

    Hi there,

    We have just upgraded from SL4 to SL5, and since this, the XamDialogWindow behaviour has been differnent.

    All errors revolve around error 2028 ( Message: The name already exists in the tree )

    1: When opening a Dialog Window, and closing it…

  • Windows 8 - Memory Leak Silverlight (any known issues?)

    Hi Guys,

    We have been trying to debug a memory leak which only occurs on fresh-install Windows 8 machine and is not present in Windows 7 or in Windows 8 which has been upgraded from Windows 7 (not confirmed, but the one upgraded from Windows 7 doesn…

  • how to put XamDialogWIndow in the center of the browser window?

    with sample code from Infragistics, in order to add XamDialogWindow, need to do as:

    1. add Canvas in parent control as popbase.

    2. then add an instance of XamDialogWindow to Canvas's children collection.

    In this way, XamDialogWindow will popup…

  • XamDialogWindow resizing issue


    I am experiencing an issue with the xamDialogWindow being resized when it does not fit inside the browser window.  The IsResizable property is set to false however this is being ignored.  Also the xamDialogWindow will not resize back to it's original…

  • popup window?

    Hi. I am Marko.

    How do I make popup window just like the options window You made on this sample page (I repeat OPTIONS WINDOW):



  • BusyIndicator not displaying when view is displayed inside a XamDialogWindow

    We have the following view:

    <UserControl x:Class="DetailedSalesView" ...
      <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <toolkit:BusyIndicator x:Name="activityControl"
  • How can I create a custom style for my XamDialogWindow?

    I need to use a custom style for a XamDialogWindow so that it fits in with the look of the rest of the application.

    I've tried both copying (and renaming) the generic.xaml file that defines the style and creating a copy using Expression Blend and in both…

  • XamDialogWindow with XamComboEditor

    I have the following:


            <ig:XamDialogWindow x:Name="dlgAddReport" 
       Header="Add Report"

  • Silverlight v5 Error


    I have an issue opening multiple xamDialogWindows within a Silverlight v5 application.

    Here is the scenario:

    I have a MainPage.xaml with a canvas.  I want to be able to add multiple xamDialogWindows as children of the canvas.  When my application…

  • Issue with HTMLviewer in modal dialog window(XamDialogWindow) - content disappers when clicking outside of the window


    I have displayed a page in HTMLviewer inside a XamDialogWindow. 

    The page hold a user control instance. 

    The Modal window content disappers when I click out side of the modal window or modal window header. The content reappers if…

  • When resizing xamDialogWindow only display a rectangle?

    When user drag the border of xamDialogWindow,  all the content of the window will displayed.

    When I put  a XamGrid in xamDialogWindow, the resize action becomes not smooth. So I wonder if only

    a rectangle be displayed while user resize the window?



  • Documentation

    I'm using ver. 10.3 libraries and documentation.

    Here's how the Close Method is described:

                                        "Sets the WindowState property to WindowState".

    This is not helpful!!!

    Is there later documentation that fixes this?


  • Returning focus to a modal xamDialogWindow


    I have come across a problem when trying to return focus to a modal xamDialogWindow.

    Here is the scenario: 

    I have a modal xamDialogWindow open, from this modal xamDialogWindow I open another modal xamDialogWindow.  I capture a value from the second…

  • Startup position of XamDialogWindows

    I have this dialog. The position of the dialog will be depend on where i righ click the mouse (see the event trigger below

    <ifc:XamDialogWindow x:Name="popMenu" WindowState="Hidden" IsModal="False" StartupPosition="Manual" …

  • How To Create Minimized HeaderTemplate

    I would like when the XamDialogWindow is minimized the header shows.  Currently the only way I see of doing this by creating a datatemplate for minimizedheadertemplate.  Would someone mind providing me an example of how to create a DataTemplate for the…

  • How to Dispose the Xamdialog window

    I want to dispose all objects in xamdialog windows when it get closed.