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  • Moving Selected item

    I want the user to be able to click a button and move the select item on the list view. I have four options (First, Back, Next, Last) I have been trying to figure out how to move the selected item in code please help.
  • Hit Test???

    I have a list view that I have icons on as well as check boxes. The editor dose a great job handling when the check box is clicked but I was wondering if there was a way to tell if the use clicked the Icon or just the text of the item. The reason I…
  • Where are the ItemAdded and ItemRemoved-type events?

    I have some code that is interested in knowing when items in a WinListView are added or removed.  I see all sorts of Item-related events but none of them appear to relate to items being added or removed from the collection.

    Do these events exist?
