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  • Programatically Scroll Listview

    I need to scroll a Winforms UltraWinListView programatically because it is being written for a touch screen app and the default scrollbar in the listview is too small for large fingers.  I think I can do this using the UltraListViewItem.BringIntoView, however…

  • Scroll bar position

    How do I get and set the position of the vertical scroll bar on a UltraListView?

  • "Check on click" functionality

    Is any "Check on click" property in WinListView as an System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox?

  • Moving Selected item

    I want the user to be able to click a button and move the select item on the list view. I have four options (First, Back, Next, Last) I have been trying to figure out how to move the selected item in code please help.
  • Migrating to the winlistview from the system listview


    We are considering changing over the instances of the system listview in one of our solutions with the winlistview, however we have a great many instances of the system listview (over 200) and manually changing all these instances over would be impractical…

  • Manually set Sort Glyph

    Hi, I created a detailed ListView with two Columns, one of these columns is invisible. I do some changes on the values before I add them to the visible column. The original value was added into the hidden column. When I sort the visible column, I…
  • ultraListView1.Items.AddRange same performance as ltraListView1.Items.Add

    I'm having some big performance problems adding lots of rows to an UltraListView.
    The AddRange is giving the exact same performance as thousands of individual Adds.

    I'm bringing 2 not null varchar columns back from the database.
    This is happening…

  • Where are the ItemAdded and ItemRemoved-type events?

    I have some code that is interested in knowing when items in a WinListView are added or removed.  I see all sorts of Item-related events but none of them appear to relate to items being added or removed from the collection.

    Do these events exist?


  • Show UltraColorPicker in UltraListView cell

    I have a UltraListView that I populate with columns like this:

    UltraListViewSubItemColumn sic = new UltraListViewSubItemColumn();

    sic.DataType = typeof(System.Drawing.Color);

    sic.EditorControl = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraColorPicker…

  • Clicking Icon in Listview to show whole value

    In Windows Explorer when in Icons mode the text is appended with three dots "Text...". When you select the icon you can see the whole text. How do you do this in the Infragistics control? Whenever I select the icon it is still truncated


  • Using LINQ to see if Item already exists in list

     Im trying to use c# and linq to simplfy searching through the listview but cannot get it to work can anyone help?


    here iswhat i got so far which doesnt work.


    var qry = from L in listviewname.items.all

                 where l.item.value == "123"

               Select L…

  • Hit Test???

    I have a list view that I have icons on as well as check boxes. The editor dose a great job handling when the check box is clicked but I was wondering if there was a way to tell if the use clicked the Icon or just the text of the item. The reason I…
  • How to show (as like Vista) column headers for all the Views (List,Icons,Tiles & Thumbnails) like Details view

    Hello There,

                    I am using an UltraWinListview to show the files & folders details as like explorer and in that I wanted to show (as Vista) the column headers for all the views (Thumbnails, List, Icons and Tiles) like Details view does. Can anyone help…