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  • DIV layout breaks WebCombo

    Hello everyone, I've been unable to find any information about this problem in the documentation, Google searching and on this forum; so I'd like to submit a question or possible bug.

    Whenever I create a relatively simple DIV-based layout the…

  • DisplayValue isn't set when ComboTypeAhead="Suggest"


    we're using a ObjectDataSource together with a WebCombo control. With 2008.2 we were able to filter the data returned by a Select() using the value from the DisplayValue property. In 2009.2, the DisplayValue isn't set anymore and it seems that we…

  • Webcombo DataBind Issue (Columns get repeated on postbacks)

    I am setting datasource for a webcombo on page_Init coz we are loading controls dynamically on the form.

        Dim ddl As Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.WebCombo = New Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.WebCombo
                    ddl.ID = String.Format("ddl{0}", row("IdWorkItemField…

  • Strange Rendering of WebCombo DropDown Image and Grid

    Hi All,

           I need a little help.  I have a web page with a data source object (ObjectDataStore) and a webcombo that uses the data source.   When this page is rendered in IE the drop down arrow is rendered below the combo box and when you click it the grid…

  • How to do Auto complete in webcombo

    Hi all.

     Im very new in Infragestics, please help me to do auto complete  by using infragestics contols in

    Thanks  in Advance.


  • WebCombo not displaying drop-down arrow

    My WebCombo is not displaying the drop-down arrow. It is surrounded by a Warp panel.

    A picture is attached;



  • WebCombo doesn't display Dropdown list after scrolling and refiltering

    Bug in Version 9.1 of the  WebCombo control (also in 7.3).

    After filtering and scrolling the DropDown list, then when refiltering, the DropDown list is not displayed.

    The bug scenario is as follows:

    1.  Start typing string in textbox partr of the We…

  • Webcombo readonly?

    Can a webcombo be made to be readonly so that a user cannot change the value it contains?




  • Infragistics WebCombo


    I have the licensed version of Infragistics v6.3 and one of my applications is using it.

    Now in a new application, if i try to create a webcombo box without drag and drop from the box, rather by referencing the same dll.

    But when i move from the…

  • how to set selected row in SelectedRowChanged of WebCombo


    I am changing the index of dropdown and filling the data from DB according to the selected value.

    If there is no data for selected value then I want to reset the dropdown value to default. I have copied the code below.

    Thanks a ton in advance.

  • Setting Initial Value with EnableXMLHttp

    I have a webcombo on a webform (not in a grid).  I set the datasource to a datatable in the InitializeDataSource event.  With EnableXMLHttp turned OFF I can successfully set my selected value (from a businessobject) in the DataBound event of the combo and…

  • WebCombo: row is null


    I am using ultrawebcombo(hierarical Grid is placed inside the webcombo). I am getting error in FF, row is null. Error occur in afterselectchange .  wgrid.getActiveRow() it returns null in FF, but this is working fine in IE. Can any one help me for…

  • Dynamic creation

    Hi I have creating WebCombo and UltraWebGrid dynamically. But in IE 7 an error ocurr when a post back is fired.


    Thank you for your help.

    Assembly = Infragistics35.WebUI.WebCombo.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1000, Culture=neutral…

  • problem with WebCombo in design mode


    I try to use WebCombo in my web application. I put 4 webCombo on my page. And each webcombo is linked with a datasource. I defined differents options in design mode. But when I come back in the code, my UltraGridColumn are modified. The default UltraGgridColumn…

  • Web Combo - Read Only

    We just started using the web combo control and the end users are very pleased. Is there a way to set the web combo to read - only. Since many of the web combo boxes in our application only show the value because the description is to long to display is…

  • Force Webcombo to dropdown

     Hi all,

    I'm in need of a way to programmatically drop down the list in a webcombo. I looked through the Webcombo documentation and also experimented with it, but so far I am unable to find a solution.

    Does anyone have any insight?



  • What is the significance of Enable Ajax checkbox on Webcombo.

    I have two questions

    1. I have 4 webpanels in my page. The webpanel2 has webcombo box( WebComboOutbound) and WebAsyncRefreshPanel. In the webAsyncRefreshPanel, I have chart display.

    I have set theTriggerControlID of webAsyncPanel set to "WebPanelOutbound…

  • Webcombo Adding a default value not from the datasource


    On the web form I have a webcombo. I want to add a value to this webcombo which is not coming from the data source. Example : The webcombo displays the name of each emplyee. I want to add a value (ALL) to the webcombo so that all the employees could…

  • Correct Settings for dynamic data lookup in Database


     I want to achieve the following: In a Combo when the user typed 2 chars, a database-query (SELECT Name FROM Table WHERE Name LIKE '<CHAR_TYPED>%') should fill up the Combo with suitable values. It is because the table holds to many entries (10.000…

  • Web Combo Columns reset when goto colum designer

    I have use web Combo with UltraWebGrid on my page and the tag registraion shows like this 

    <%@ Register Assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.WebCombo.v8.1, Version=8.1.20081.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb"

  • Initial value for a Webcombo

    I am having problems when setting a webcombo to an initial value. The code below usually fails when the selected index has a large value (there are 25,000 sites). When the DuplicateID is a low value (10 to 20) it usually works.  However there is no…
  • Help a newb with enabling AJAX on a WebCombo

    OK.  I have a WebCombo that I bind to a DataSet at runtime.  I would like to enable AJAX conditional downloading of the text/values. 

    I know that I must set the attribute EnableXmlHTTP = true, and somehow handle the InitializeDataSource event.  I'm stump…

  • Having problems changing the DataValue of a WebCombo

    Infragistics for ASP.NET 3.5.

     We're having difficulty changing the DataValue of at WebCombo on the server side.  We have the combo populated, and we want to change the value during a postback to one of the other selections, but this is causing trouble…

  • How to clear WebCombo

     How I can do by clean my webcombo, I have to information in my screen, when I have used this information I want to clean all my display but I have problem with my webcombo, I can not clean it. 

  • Make WebCombo Appearance like ASP Dropdown list

    I have a web page that has about 10 webcombos, each containing from 3 to 50 rows of data.  Some have multiple columns, some have only one.  The problem is, these combos bloat the page incredibly (>600K with only half of them loaded with data).  What I…