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  • WebCombo: row is null


    I am using ultrawebcombo(hierarical Grid is placed inside the webcombo). I am getting error in FF, row is null. Error occur in afterselectchange .  wgrid.getActiveRow() it returns null in FF, but this is working fine in IE. Can any one help me for…

  • What is the significance of Enable Ajax checkbox on Webcombo.

    I have two questions

    1. I have 4 webpanels in my page. The webpanel2 has webcombo box( WebComboOutbound) and WebAsyncRefreshPanel. In the webAsyncRefreshPanel, I have chart display.

    I have set theTriggerControlID of webAsyncPanel set to "WebPanelOutbound…

  • Select Row By server side Code when rowrang is 50 and target row not loaded in grid then how to load

    i am using Webcombo + sqldatasource and rowrang set 50 row. i am selecting row using server side code like ;

    WebComboSenderName.SelectedIndex = WebComboSenderName.Columns[1].Find(AtxtName.Text).Row.Index;

    but that row not loaded into webcombo . if row…

  • Losing SelectedIndex, DataValue After Postback.

    I am not very experienced with the WebCombo, yet. I am using NetAdvantage 2008 vol 1.

    On page load, I am successfully setting the display of the WebCombo to a full name of a company by using FindByValue and the corresponding company 'code'. That is working…

  • WebCombo Reinitialization Slows Other Controls Down

    I have a WebCombo with the following settings:

    sender.EnableXmlHTTP =

    sender.Editable = True
    sender.HideDropDowns = False
    sender.ComboTypeAhead = Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.TypeAhead.Suggest

    It is implemented as a User Control (.ascx). I would like…

  • WebCombo Box 5.3

    I have Three webcombo boxes on the page.  One is set to autopostback and the other two are not. My problem is that the if I change one and not the other somehow the display value is getting set to nothing for the two that were not changed ,however,  something…

  • Web Combo being loaded using Web Service and Stored Procedures

    Cannot get a webcombo to reload based on selection from another webcombo.  I have two WebCombos cboCourse and cboLessons.  Both are loaded through InitializeDataSource using a webservice which loads fine.  I then need to repopulate cboLessons based on the…

  • WebCombo not displaying at correct position.

    Hi All,

     I am facing a major problem with WebCombo, please follow the scenario below:

    I have a WebGrid in which I have nearly 20 columns and happened to use webcombos for all the columns, but when you click on a cell to edit and to open the webcombo…

  • Webcombo does not change the displayed value


     I am working with C# .net 2.0 and infragistics 7.1.

    I have a set of 2 webcombo boxes. The selection of the first one, triggers the value of the second combo box.

     Problem occurs when I select a value from first combo box and then select a value…

  • WebCombo selected row by click or enter key

    Hi, I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction..

    I have a webcombo dropdown which I am using to display a grid, I have Type Ahead set to extended and all works well. My issue is as follows, I am using this webcombo to select a particular client…