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  • Add Data from WebCombo to WebGrid...

    Don't know if this is the correct forum to ask this in.  It may be a webgrid question.

    What I am trying to do is the following:

    I currently have a grid that an admin uses for security to a web application.  Names and information is manually typed…

  • WebCombo doesn't display Dropdown list after scrolling and refiltering

    Bug in Version 9.1 of the  WebCombo control (also in 7.3).

    After filtering and scrolling the DropDown list, then when refiltering, the DropDown list is not displayed.

    The bug scenario is as follows:

    1.  Start typing string in textbox partr of the We…

  • WebCombo: row is null


    I am using ultrawebcombo(hierarical Grid is placed inside the webcombo). I am getting error in FF, row is null. Error occur in afterselectchange .  wgrid.getActiveRow() it returns null in FF, but this is working fine in IE. Can any one help me for…

  • Help a newb with enabling AJAX on a WebCombo

    OK.  I have a WebCombo that I bind to a DataSet at runtime.  I would like to enable AJAX conditional downloading of the text/values. 

    I know that I must set the attribute EnableXmlHTTP = true, and somehow handle the InitializeDataSource event.  I'm stump…