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  • How to design a product catalog on the iPad with ReportPlus?

    The arrival of the iPad has had a huge impact on sales forces, we know for a fact that some Fortune 2000 companies have switched the hardware they would provide to sales reps from laptops to iPads. One typical activity for sales representatives on the…

  • Analyzing your business at different levels of granularity with ReportPlus

    With the release of ReportPlus version 3.0 the ability to link dashboards was introduced for Enterprise users. This means users can establish navigation paths across dashboards. For instance you are able to create one dashboard with a high level view…

  • How to rebrand exported documents with ReportPlus

    ReportPlus version 3.0 added several options when it comes to exporting a dashboard. Previously it was only possible to generate a PowerPoint file, while now it´s possible to choose between PDF, Word, and CSV files as well. For each widget in a dashboard…

  • Offline Support: updating # of items on list level

    While online, I configured a document library in SharePlus for Offline support and after the first sync --> the green icon appeared on the folder (at the list level in the left-hand navigation) and all items in the folder are now visible when 'offline…