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  • Condition in each grid column


    I create a grid where each column will show an information in depend of the other column value. Lets say:

    I have a model that is populated by my action:





    What I want to do know is to add a css…

  • Configuring igGrid using a GridModel (MVC4, templating)


    I have an existing MVC4 web app that I am trying to get igGrid to work with.  I was searching around your help forum and found an example that got a grid to display on the index.cshtml file just fine using the non-gridModel approach.  The code…

  • Script for upload template column in grid, stops grid from filtering/paging

    I am using ASP.NET MVC4 and 2013 vol1 with VS 2012.

    Martin from Infragistics was kind enough to give me a solution on how to add an upload control to a grid column.…

  • Adding an upload control into a grid template column

    I'm using MVC 4 and 2013 vol 1 with Visual Studio 2012.

    I've had a look at the sample on how to create a row/column template, yet the example purely shows adding HTML as a string to the template.

    Is it possible to add an upload control into…