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  • Special character '<' at the start of string does not display the data

    Hello, I am currently using Infragistics grid for my ASP .NET MVC project.

    I have a sample string data like '<ABCD>' in the database. When I display it using the grid, only the data with '<' character at the start of the string 

  • igGrid not working properly with package IgniteUI v23.1

    Dear all,

    I'm working on an application ASP.MVC that has been migrated on Framework 4.8 (initially on 4.5.2) and globally working fine.

    But i've encoutred three major problems with igGrids :

    - the command EnableAddRow(true) never show the button…

  • iggrid ungroupByColumn error while trying to ungroup


    I'm working on a MVC project with iggrid. My model has a list of items and I'm binding the table with items. All works well, accept when I'm trying to ungroup a column after grouping it.

     $(function () {

  • Not able to get selected row particular column value in hierarchical grid

    We are rendering a infragistic MVC hierarchical grid and copying selected row column value from below code : 

    var row = $("#igCallHistory").igGrid("activeRow")

    var cellZeroValue = $("#igCallHistory").igGrid("getCellText", row.element…

  • is it possible to get grid ID that called SaveChanges when handling grid updates in MVC?

    Hello - I have a solution using Asp MVC with multiple igGrids on a single page.  I am following the documentation and am getting transactions to come into my controller page when the user pushes a button that fires the SaveChanges call.  .  However, I don…

  • Is it possible to add multiple igGrids to single page in MVC

    Hello -

    I need to have multiple grids to a single MVC page?  To add even more complexity the number of grids is variable also.  I might be able to accomplish it with a hierarchical grid but thought I would explore this first.  Thanks much

  • igniteUI MVC igGrid Error

    I have an ASP.NET MVC Project and I'm trying to add Data Grid from this sample

    but I have 2 problems

    First one

    using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Repositories;
    using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Applica…

  • igniteUI MVC igGrid not loading if Hiding column

    I have a simple Razor grid which works fine if in Hiding the Hidden is false.


  • Filtering on hidden columns

    I am dynamically adding columns to a grid because I don't know the names of all the columns until runtime.  That worked great until I needed to turn on filtering.

    There will be four preset views that will filter the data rows, showing and hiding rows…

  • How to handle Server Side Exceptions from MVC controller

    I am using the igGrid using the Grid Model approach. After Updating/Editing the grid post to an MVC controller. I would like an example how to handle Server Side errors and displaying the error to the returned View. 


  • Export to Excel possible with list from model in view ASP.NET MVC?

    I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC application where I have a custom made table with data from a list in the model that I pass into the view. This data is not in a grid of Infragistics. I want to export this data to Excel. 

    Currently I have this in my Javascript…

  • Loading indicator for igGrid

    We are using  $("#grid").data("igGrid"); to force the loading indicator to show while the data is being retrieved.

    Is there a way to set a timeout on the loading indicator? If it is a large data set we want…

  • Ignite UI data grid rebind not working using RAZOR MVC5


    I am using ignite ui v18.1 (latest version) MVC5 Razor ASP.NET.

    On combo selection changed I want to filter data and rebind the data grid.

    Grid gets empty on rebinding it on combo selection.

    Code logic: on combo selectionChanged, filtering json data…

  • How to set the region to UK on the filter datepicker


    Using .Net Core 2.0 and Infragistics.Web.AspNetCore v6.17.2.202 

    Is it possible to alter the region and language of the datepicker that is used for the column filter?

    I'm building the Grid in the controller and then passing it through to the View.…

  • Stuck at mvc application data binding using model view.

    Hello Team,

    I am trying to check whether we can use your tool for my project requirement and I am new to bootstrap and MVC. 

    I have implemented the code by using instructions shown in the page I…

  • Updating the value of one cell based on another cell value and vice versa in iggrid?

    I'm using an ASP.Net MVC igGrid and i have created the grid like below

    @(Html.Infragistics().Grid(this.Model.lstMilestoneDetails).PrimaryKey("intMileStoneNo").AutoCommit(false).AutoGenerateColumns(false).ID("MileStoneGrid").Columns(column =>…

  • Removing readonly property for igGridUpdating Column ?

    Hello Infragistics community, 

    I'm using an ASP.Net MVC igGrid. I want my grid to have following behavior

    I have a igGrid with different columns which are read-only and one column is combo editor, so when i change the values in the combo box i need to…

  • What is Continuous Virtualization in the jQuery Grids?

    Get the lowdown on the virtualization that never stops, so to speak… Soon enough the countdown to 12.1 will be over and what you will find named as Continuous Virtualization is an awesome new feature. It is designed specifically for hierarchical data…

  • jQuery Grid Checkbox Column alternatives

    The checkbox column (introduced with the last release, see this post on Using Checkbox Columns with the Infragistics jQuery Grid) was created to provide a ‘shortcut’ for transforming columns with Boolean values into checkboxes and mostly became reality…

  • jQuery Grid Checkbox Column alternatives (continue)

    This is the second part covering the topic of jQuery Grid checkbox column alternatives and/or custom implementations. A quick recap: the Checkbox column is a feature that provides default setup to turn Boolean values in the jQuery grid into checkboxes…

  • Column Templates for the jQuery Grids

    In my last blog I mentioned that our jQuery Grids are getting a new column template option that would also be using our new high performance Templating engine and in this blog will try to expand on both templating and what can you do with it in the grids…

  • Merging Cells with the Infragistics jQuery Grids

    Merged Cells is a new addition to the arsenal of features in the jQuery Grids by Infragistics, even though it is introduced as CTP (Community Technology Preview) for the first release of 2012. Like with most features this one is also realized and managed…

  • jQuery Grids and Responsive Web Design

    Responsive Web Design and jQuery GridsResponsive Web Design has been abuzz for some time now. In case you just now clash with the term, it’s a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. Basically, a CSS3 / JavaScript…

  • Responsive Web Design with jQuery Grids: A closer look

    Responsive Web Design with jQuery GridsI really hope I got you excited about the Responsive Web Design mode for the Ignite UI Grids last time – as it is the kind of an unique feature that truly makes this jQuery control stand out! As previously explained it’s not exactly a simple thing to…