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  • How to achieve igCombo default selected-item background color for many igCombos?

    I have many igCombo, each needs to have the selected item background color different from another, so nothing to change JS.

    I would like to just tie the id of the div interested by igCombo with the class of the igCombo "ui-state-active" but because the…

  • Dialog Edit with multiselect igCombo not selecting items

    I am having issues trying to set the selected items in the multiSelection combo box.
    I have an array propery bound to the 'Products' column in the grid.  when the edit dialog opens, the multiSelection combo box checks the item if there is only…

  • Clearing the current selection of a combobox doesn't seem to be working


    I'm trying to clear the selection of a combo programatically after selecting a few items. What I'm trying to achieve can be seen on the following codepen: . However I'm having trouble because  $("#combo…

  • CSS Class when a value is set


    I want a change the color of my igCombo when i select one item,
    but when i select one item the igCombo doesnt change any class.
    There is any option on igCombo to do that?
