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  • How to add a menu option in the IgrDataGrid header?

    I have created a IgrDataGrid and now in header I want to add a drop-down menu(using vertical ellipsis) and there I want to give some options. If someone can help me with the approach for this issue.

    I have created this UI grid using IgrDataGrid, in this…

  • Ignite UI December Release 2022

     It is almost that time of the year. With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer and we at Infragistics are going to give you really good reason to cheer up. Ignite UI December 2022 release comes with small count but great value…

  • How to set a link url or controller action in a tree childnode

    Hi, I´m in a mvc .net project and I have no idea how to set the <a href> property tag in the <li> with the Json function, how can I change the '#' in the href and the target?

    My Cshtml have the tree menu like this elements:

  • Ignite UI for Angular 22.2: What Are All The Exciting Improvements In This Release?

    During the past months we have been busy developing cool new features and components for you and they all come together in the Ultimate 22.2 release, that comes with support for the Angular 14. Let's see what new goodies we have for you.

    In addition…

  • App Builder - Updates and What's new in 22.2 Release

    Glad to announce that today we’re shipping tons of UI/UX upgrades with the latest Ignite UI 22.2 Release. Extending your favorite UI library, we are now adding more components and features, better controls, brand-new data grids across Blazor, Angular…

  • Product Release - What's New in Infragistics Ultimate 22.2

    I am excited to announce Infragistics Ultimate 22.2 is available for download. This is a big release, with new features and UI controls, more capabilities in App Builder, new Web Components code-generation in App Builder, better design and development…

  • Transforming value displayed in column and filtering

    Angular 11.  We have a grid with an igx-column using an ng-template to transform a value into a clickable element.  As part of that, the raw value is rounded up to millions.  This becomes a problem when filtering.  For example, the user sees 10 in the column…

  • Plot points of chart based upon multiple attributes

    On AG/IG ~13.2.

    As a followup to Color coordinating by parameters between charts, I'm wondering how to get data points to be plotted based upon multiple attributes.

    I have built in functionality to filter down (and sum by) multiple attributes, as requested…

  • Ignite UI for Angular 14.1.0 Release

    It has been a busy time here at Infragistics, with a number of Ignite UI for Angular, Ignite UI for Web Components and AppBuilder updates and new releases coming in the past few weeks. After the June release of Ignite UI for Angular 14.0.0, that comes with…

  • UI Component Libraries - Build vs Buy

    “I never want to build another calendar component again for the rest of my life. I also like react-select.” I came across this on reddit while browsing through discussions.

    But then I also read: “When you write your own (library) you will…

  • Remove animations/transitions from tabs switching

    Hi Infragistics forum,

    I'm new to Ignite UI and using the tabs in our Angular 13 application and want to remove the transitions while we navigate the tabs.

    looking forward to hearing back from you soon.


    Muhammad Abdullah

  • Ignite UI Add padding using custom style

    How to add padding to custom styles for the column chart for the follwing code

     public assigningBigDotOverlayStyle(data: any,brush:any) {

        let args = data.args;

        args.fill = brush;
        args.stroke = brush;
        args.paddingLeft = "12px"…
  • Automating the Angular IgxSpreadsheetComponent with Selenium

    We run automated tests on our application, and part of our app uses the IgxSpreadsheetComponent (Angular 13.0) to display an Excel file that has been generated by our software. We also let the user manipulate the file that's displayed in the spreadsheet…

  • Ignite UI for Angular 22.1 Release - Updates and What's New

     It is time for our first major release in 2022, Ignite UI for Angular 22.1,and it includes one of the most powerful controls used to organize and slice and dice business data — the Angular Pivot Grid! The Angular Pivot Grid tremendously increases your…

  • Ignite UI for Blazor - What’s New in 22.1

    Over the last 5 months, we have been continuing to focus our efforts to grow our Ignite UI for Blazor product. These efforts have produced 10 brand new components, the only Blazor dock manager in existence, new features for the data grid, and major improvements…

  • Product Release - What's New in Infragistics Ultimate 22.1

    With today's launch, we are very excited to get Infragistics Ultimate 22.1 into your hands. New features and UI controls, more capabilities, better design and development processes, fast, streamlined, and interactive data visualization experience. It…

  • Marker not shown if the line is straight

    For the light gray line maker is rendered using custom market template logic it working fine except if the line is straight or tilted a bit for the functionality to show marker even on the straight line ?

  • React: How to customize the zoom pane on the Financial Stock Chart?

    I would like the make the height of the zoom pane that appears on the Financial Stock Chart - IgrFinancialChart

    Is there a way to customize the styles of the zoom pane?  Or are we stuck with the default styles regarding height? 

  • how to access nested properties of an object while defining columns in grid

    I have a data set that looks like this

    const data = [ { newYork: {id: 3, name: 'newYork', xyz: 123 }, ... ];

    I want to access the name property of the nested json object, this is how i am currenlty doing it.

  • whole IgrDataGrid gets re-rendered after an update to the data source. I am using hooks.

    I have a big matrix for representing data. After detecting a click event on the cell, a pop-up is opened and data is entered, which is then send to the backend and dataSouce is array is updated. The problem is that after updating the dataSouce, the whole…

  • Line Chart with Multiple Y Axis


    I'm using the React UI samples as shown in below link.

    However, we have a requirement where we need to display 2 y axis for the same X-Axis.


  • dashed line

    Cannot able to add dash line in the line series ?

  • Marker Issue

    Don't need to show marker for unknown value
    Currently the graph is shown like this
    But we need to show it like this
  • Different editor for each cell in grid column

    Is it possible to have a different editor for each cell in a single grid column? I.e. One single column with different editors for each row. (combo boxes, date pickers, textboxes, numbers, etc.)

    I am trying to use an Infragistics TreeGrid and TreeGridModel…

  • Programmatically create and access dropdowns

    I am working with AG/IG ~12.3.

    Users want to compare a list of scenarios with a dynamic length and several controls are necessary for each. The basics of it are the scenario type (to filter the list of scenarios down) and the scenarios list (for users…