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  • How to implement custom sorting strategy

    Hi, I can't seem to find any examples of using custom sorting logic for the grid component in React - I've seen some in Angular but it seems like the DefaultSortingStrategy is not an export of the react package. Would love some help here.

  • Huge Data Excel Download


    I want to export huge data like >10lakh rows (>1crore values). I am not able to fetch this type of data through any API as there are memory constraints for any backend language that is around (10lakh values). How can I download excel values directly…

  • Issue with Infragistics grid


    I want a small clarification on one of the case which I face today with Infragistics grid.

    The issue is currently we are using IgrDataGrid for displaying data in the tabular format on UI(in react js) and for the same we are using these packages listed…

  • igx-grid vertical column headers

    Dear Infragistics Team,

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and am exploring options for customizing the appearance of the grid's column headers.

    I have a specific requirement to align the column headers vertically. Could you please…

  • Facing issue while Exporting grid to Excel.


    I want a small clarification on one of the use case related to Excel Library

    I'm trying to Export the IgrDataGrid and using the following code for that. I'm able to Export the grid but facing issue on styling.

     for (let i = 0; i < gridDa…
  • Perform Operations on Row that is not visible in React Infragistic WebGrid


    We have the React Infragistic WebGrid and We are doing UI Automation with selenium but we face the challenge with Infragistic WebGrid

    The challenge is We can not get the Grid data that is not visible on Grid by the Selenium method or Javascript method…

  • Facing issue while using search box in IgrDataGrid.


    I want a small clarification on one of the use case related to IgrDataGrid (

    I have used IgrDataGrid, in that when I try to search in the filter search box,…

  • How to add 'id' tag to IgrDataGrid and to it's rows and cells?


    I want a small clarification on one of the use case related to IgrDataGrid (

    I have used IgrDataGrid in-order to display the data on the UI in tabular for…

  • Facing issue while styling IgrDataGrid and context menu option


    I have created a IgrDataGrid and now I'm facing some issues with it's styling and one of its feature. Currently my grid looks like this below image and in this I have 5 major issues which I'm facing. If someone can help me with the approach…

  • How to add a menu option in the IgrDataGrid header?

    I have created a IgrDataGrid and now in header I want to add a drop-down menu(using vertical ellipsis) and there I want to give some options. If someone can help me with the approach for this issue.

    I have created this UI grid using IgrDataGrid, in this…

  • Request: to add examples for Grid with context menu.


    I am a developer and now I am making an analysis of features of "ignite ui for angular" to decide what's the best choice for our product and on which product should be our money spent for :).
    And I come to the conclusion that "igniteUI…

  • Export Data to Excel

    I'm getting an error while exporting grid data to excel. 

    It is a complex data object.

    I've used igx-grid along with these properties [exportExcel]="true"  [showToolbar]="true"

    the data object is in the following format which is…

  • Column Fixing in Ignite UI jQuery Grid

    The Ignite UI Grid control is jQuery based client-side grid that provides the ability to represent and manipulate data in tabular form. It supports many features like Paging, Column Resizing,Column Moving, Column Hiding, Sorting, Updating, Column Fixing…

  • Using different template engines with Ignite UI controls

    header imageCreating an application is not only about making it functional it is about how the users will react to it. Did you know that when you create a mobile app for example a user decides in the first 10 seconds whether he likes it or not? So imagine how will…

  • How to create a heatmap with jQuery Grid and jsRender

    Ignite UI igGrid - heatmapThe Ignite UI Grid control is a jQuery-based grid that presents data in tabular form. I have already written about this control and it’s column fixing feature, but now we are going to consider it in a different light. The coolest thing about the…

  • jQuery Bullet Graph Introduction

    bullet graph header imageIn my previous blogs I’ve already mentioned that Infragistics’ Ignite UI package contains a lot of controls for Data Visualization. The one we are going to talk about in this blog is the bullet graph. This control is similar to the Linear…

  • Feature Persistence in the Ignite UI jQuery Grid and Hierarchical Grid

    Feature Persistence header imageDo you know what persistence is? Well when it comes to programming persistence means to save the current state of the process. Without this capability, the state will exist as long as the process is alive. This is an important feature when it comes to…

  • 4 Steps to Binding XML Data to the Ignite UI Grid

    The Ignite UI Grid is a flexible jQuery and HTML-based grid control that can be bound to many different types of data sources - and XML data is no exception.

    4 Steps to Binding XML Data to the Ignite UI Grid

    1. Get the Data

    To begin, you first need to get data on your page. In this case your page needs…

  • Binding Complex Objects to an igGrid Column Template

    Demo: Running code sample and GitHub repository

    When working with the Ignite UI igGrid you have the option to harness the column template feature in order to take control of how data is presented in a column inside the grid. While you can use the column…

  • 5 Tips for Configuring Ignite UI Grid Columns

    The default settings found in the Ignite UI igGrid make working with data easy, but with a little customization you can quickly change how the data appears in each column.

    5 tips for configuring Ignite UI grid columns

    1. Manually Define Columns

    The first step to taking control of how data renders…

  • Avoid this Obscure Error when Using the igGrid Control by Selecting the Right Root Element

    Instantiating the igGrid control is straight-forward; you can simply create the control with a call similar to $("#grid").igGrid() and pass in grid options depending on your requirements. While it’s easy to construct a new grid this way, it…

  • How to get started with jQuery Grid Unbound Columns

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid's Unbound ColumnsAn all new functionality with the second release for this year comes to bring more flexibility to your grid and the way it handles data. The unbound column is one of the classic grid features throughout Infragistics experience with grids and now user…

  • jQuery Grids with Multi-Column Headers

    jQuery Grids Multi-Column HeadersIf you’ve been reading the latest blog about the Column Moving feature of the Ignite UI Grid I’ve briefly mentioned Multi-column Headers. Well, just in case you missed it – that’s a fairly recent addition too! Through a very simple (and logical…

  • Responsive Web Design with jQuery Grids: A closer look

    Responsive Web Design with jQuery GridsI really hope I got you excited about the Responsive Web Design mode for the Ignite UI Grids last time – as it is the kind of an unique feature that truly makes this jQuery control stand out! As previously explained it’s not exactly a simple thing to…

  • Ignite UI jQuery Grid Column Moving

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid with Column Moving feature. Dropdown menu visible on the shot.The Grid is one of Ignite UI’s bread and butter controls and its feature set just.. keeps growing! I guess that fact that Infragistics has done quite a few grid controls over the years helps. Ome of the latest additions is the The Column Moving feature…