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  • igx-grid vertical column headers

    Dear Infragistics Team,

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and am exploring options for customizing the appearance of the grid's column headers.

    I have a specific requirement to align the column headers vertically. Could you please…

  • Download Charts?

    I'm on AG 12.3 and IG 12.3 with Excel and Charts.

    Users would like to be able to download the charts in addition to the Spreadsheet report being generated in the same page of our app. If at all possible, they would like both charts (Design & Process…

  • Uploading json to excel and making columns read-only.

    I have a JSON object, I need to upload it(or export) to excel and need to have some column read-only. Secondly I want to apply specific(defined) filter values to some cells and wont let the user to edit any cell value with diffrent data types.

    I am able…