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  • Workbook.Load and scalability

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to Infragistics.Excel, so maybe I'm missing something.

    I am wanting to load in the first 25 rows of an Excel spreadsheet in order to gain a hueristic understanding of the rest of the data, and display something meaningful…

  • Set font for entire workbook

    Hey All,

    I'm attempting to set the font for the entire workbook to a monospace font (like Courier for instance) and I'm not quite sure how. I'm using the Infragistics3.Excel.v8.3.dll from the NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0 set of libraries…

  • How to hide columns in excel

    I need to hide a column in the excel output file I create through a .NET program.

    I have tried  worksheetcolumn.hidden = true, but nothing happens. Is there way to hide entire excel columns?

    I am using Infra.Excel.V6.3 with .NET 2.0 and c#.