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  • XamDataGrid Initialized event not firing


    I'm having issue with the XamDataGrid Initialized event. Somehow it is not firing when using interaction triggers.

    <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="myXamDataGrid">
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Initialized…

  • Displaying and Editing of Hyperlinks in cells

    We are using the igDP:Field to display the hyperlink with a custom style.

    Is there any way to make use of both double click and single click events for the same cell?

    We added our own dependency property command which will handle both. But the igDP…

  • XAMDatagrid CellDeactivating Event not firing when moving from grid to some other control

    I have a very simple code but cannot understand why CellDeactivating Event is not firing when I move from an editable cell to Save Button.

    It fires only when I click any other cell within that grid.

    I have also attached a sample project. I am using…

  • Maintain labels of xamdatagrid when exported to excel

    I have created a sample application wherein the label is dynamically populated to 'Test-2'

    But when exported to excel it still inherits 'Bonus' as the label name.

    Can someone assist on how to maintain Test-2 in excel sheet as well

  • XamDataGrid.InitializeRecord : args.SortValueChanged ignores sorting due to grouping

    I am binding to fast-moving realtime data, so I need to manually refrehs shorting positions when necessary.

    For this I am handling InitializeRecord:

            private void InitRecordForSortAndGroup(object sender, InitializeRecordEventArgs args)
  • Need event like "RecordFilterDropDownClosing"

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to stop my view model from updating whenever a user starts using the filtering elements of the xamDataGrid.  Reason is, that it might update pretty frequently, and this causes confusion when selecting a filter value.


  • XamDataGrid Manually format hierarchical data and activate edit on some fields

    As shown in the subject, I have a XamDatagrid with an object collection as a datasource.

    I would like to Show on the grid only some fields and I also want to allow the user to modify some of the fields.

    I come from WIndows Forms where the Initialize…

  • Record filter changed trigger

    I have a grid displaying the results of a SQL query where I'm limiting the number of results, but a group of labels above it that display aggregate values for the entire table, possibly including rows that don't get displayed on the grid. I can't use…

  • Save Customization

    Which event do I trap just before the grid closes so I can save customization?

    Thank you.