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  • Filters on Rows,Measures,Filter,Columns and Collapse/Visible Event.


    I have two questions:

    1. How do you Catch the Event that fires when hiding/showing the Data Slicer or the Data Selector?
        I know i can set the property Visibility = Collapse or Visible, but i cant get the event that tells me what state the Control…

  • What are the events that fire when a XamGrid is loaded?

    We have a XamGrid that is displaying data from a PagedCollectionView that allows filtering. We have had to subclass the XamGrid and add code to get this to work as we would like.

    When the XamGrid is loaded with a filter set the total number of displayed…

  • Record filter changed trigger

    I have a grid displaying the results of a SQL query where I'm limiting the number of results, but a group of labels above it that display aggregate values for the entire table, possibly including rows that don't get displayed on the grid. I can't use…

  • XamDataGrid.InitializeRecord : args.SortValueChanged ignores sorting due to grouping

    I am binding to fast-moving realtime data, so I need to manually refrehs shorting positions when necessary.

    For this I am handling InitializeRecord:

            private void InitRecordForSortAndGroup(object sender, InitializeRecordEventArgs args)
  • Need event like "RecordFilterDropDownClosing"

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to stop my view model from updating whenever a user starts using the filtering elements of the xamDataGrid.  Reason is, that it might update pretty frequently, and this causes confusion when selecting a filter value.
